Using themes or unit studies is my favorite way to introduce a new subject or follow a child’s interest. My 3½-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, and I have been having lots of fun with a bee theme lately. I’m a true book lover, so I want to share some of my (and Zoey’s) favorite bee books for kids.
Just choose books based on your child’s age and what you think will engage your child’s interest. I like Amazon’s “Look Inside the Book” feature as a way of getting a good idea of the book’s writing and photographs or illustrations before buying.
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I really like the TIME for Kids Science Scoops books. Bees! is a Montessori-friendly book with fabulous photographs. The book is recommended for ages 6-10 because it’s designed for readers, but it’s a great book to read aloud to younger children.
DK Readers: Busy, Buzzy Bee (Level 1: Beginning to Read) is another Montessori-friendly beginning reader for ages 5-7 that’s great to read aloud to younger children.
National Geographic Readers: Bees by
I like the Start to Finish books because they ‘re Montessori-friendly books that make each step of a process clear, whether it’s the stages of life of an animal or the stages of a natural material being turned into a finished product. From Flower to Honey by Robin Nelson uses photographs to simply show how honey is made by bees and then turned into a product for the grocery store. The book is recommended for ages 4-7, but it’s simple enough for younger children, too.
Zoey enjoyed Are You an Ant? Are You a Bee? (Backyard Books) by
Bee: A Peek-Through Picture Book by Britta Teckentrup is a Montessori-friendly book with lovely illustrations and a hexagonal die-cut frame that’s used in a variety of sizes throughout the book to add interest. The book tells how bees help pollinate our world.
Flight of the Honey Bee (Read and Wonder) by
These Bees Count! (These Things Count!) is mainly about a field trip to a bee farm that “could happen.” The bees buzz a rhythmic counting song, which isn’t realistic, but it’s a fun way to focus on counting in a bee book.
Zoey and I both really like The Beeman by
Miss Zoey Reading The Beeman to Her Class (Grandma)
Zoey loves to pretend to be the teacher reading to her class. Here, I’m the class! (Yes, Zoey is often dressed like Elsa or Anna!)
The Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive is one of the original Magic School Bus books written by
DK’s The Bee Book (recommended for ages 5 and up) is a beautifully photographed and thorough book about bees … perfect for older kids and younger ones who want all the facts!
Bees: A Honeyed History by Piotr Socha is a beautifully illustrated book with both scientific information and cultural history of bees for ages 6-9 (although it’s wonderful for ages 6 on up). Packed with facts and fascinating illustrations.
More Bee Resources
Free Bee Printables and Montessori-Inspired Bee Activities!
Free Honeybee Do-a-Dot Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
Free Honeybee Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
Free Noisy Insect Printables and Montessori-Inspired Noisy Insect Activities
Free Insect Sounds, Songs, and Rhymes for Circle Time
Free Noisy Insect Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
Insect Unit Study Pinterest Board
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