I can’t believe I’ve already been a grandma for five years now! In addition to my 5 year old granddaughter, Zoey, I have an 11-month-old granddaughter, Sophia (Zoey’s sister), and 8-month-old grandson, Caleb. It’s been so much fun to discover new Montessori-friendly toys for babies along with sharing toys that have been Montessori-friendly classics for years.
Montessori-friendly toys allow for natural, open-ended learning. They are typically made of wood and other natural materials. (Note: There really is no such thing as a Montessori toy. These are simply toys that work well for families using Montessori principles at home.)
You won’t find easily breakable, battery-operated toys here … just beautiful, natural toys that encourage happy play and optimal mind- and body development. These toys never become outdated … many of them are like my now-adult children’s favorite toys as babies and toddlers.
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Some of my Favorite Picks for Montessori-Friendly Baby and Toddler Toys
Bell Heirloom Rattle for ages infant – 1½
Montessori Infant Toys Set for ages 0- 1½
Rainbow Ring Clutching Toy for ages ½ – 1½
Green Ring Two-Stage Teether Toy for ages ½-1½
Wooden Bird Shaker by Hohner from For Small Hands
Wooden Bird Shaker by Hohner from For Small Hands for ages ½ – 5
Taggies Colours Toss for ages 0-2 (Caleb adores Taggies and has a number of different kinds. You can find lots of different Taggies on Amazon.)
Classic Rainbow Skwish for ages 0-2 (This was Caleb’s favorite first toy. You can read Christina’s review of the Skwish here.)
Melissa & Doug Caterpillar Wooden Toy for ages ½-3
Schleich Animals (Use the larger ones for babies and toddlers – ones that don’t fit through a toilet paper tube. I’ve used treasure/language baskets with Schleich farm animals, zoo animals, ocean animals, and polar animals.)
I like the Radio Flyer classic walker wagon for pre-walkers on up because of its front bumper to prevent nicks and scratches on the furniture, its stability for babies just learning to walk, and its classic design. (See the walker wagon in action: Meeting the Need for Movement in Crawling/Pre-Walking Babies. This walker wagon has been very popular with all 3 of my grandkids. It helped Zoey and Sophia prepare for walking, and they continued to enjoy it afterward. Caleb loves using it now as he prepares for walking.)
Montessori Object Permanence Box from Amazon
Montessori Object Permanence Box for ages ½-1½
Montessori Coin Box for ages ½-1½
Classic Wooden Rocking Stacker for ages 1½ – 3
Classic Wooden Walk ‘n’ Roll by Plan Toys for ages 1 – 3½ (You’ll also find the Walk ‘n’ Roll on Amazon, along with lots of other wonderful Plan toys for babies and toddlers.)
Plan Toy Punch and Drop is designed for ages 1+. My grandkids have loved this from 6 months on. Before they can use the mallet, they can push the balls through. The toy works similarly to the Montessori object permanence box with ball and tray where the ball rolls out after being pushed or hammered.
Pound and Roll for ages 1½ – 3 is another variation. They’re all nice, so just choose what you think would be best for your baby or toddler
Grimm’s Seven Friends in 7 Bowls: Set of Wooden Sorting & Matching Rainbow Peg Dolls with Tray is designed for ages 1+. I purchased this set this year and love it for my 12-month-old granddaughter and 9 month-old grandson. It can be used to work on a number of skills, and it’ll be fun for them for a few years.
Junior Ramp Racer for ages 18 months – 4 years
Of course, one of the best gifts for a baby (or adapted for a toddler) is a treasure basket. Check out my roundup posts: “How to Make a Treasure Basket for Your Baby” and “Themed Treasure Baskets for Babies.”
Other Products for Babies and Toddlers that Help Create a Montessori-Friendly Environment
Horizontal Mirror (with included feet, the mirror can be used horizontally for babies and toddlers)
King’s Brand 2-tier 30″ white bookcase. We assembled it without the legs. Even though it has two shelves rather than one, it isn’t too tall for a baby who can pull him- or herself to a standing position by the shelf. It’s stable enough that it can’t be pulled over. (See the shelf in use: Preparing a Montessori Baby-Toddler Space at Home.)
Baby/Toddler Hammered Flatware Set for ages ½ – 3
First Glass Set – 6 tiny restaurant-quality “glass” glasses – for ages 1-2½
The Learning Tower – Award-winning adjustable step stool for ages 1½-6 (although both Zoey and Sophia have used this safely with supervision once they were able to walk)
All My Gift Guides
You’ll find some of my favorite Montessori toys for babies and toddlers, featuring a number of toys from For Small Hands in my Best Gifts for Kids: Montessori-Friendly Baby and Toddler Toys.
You can find some of my favorite books for babies … available on Amazon here: Montessori-Friendly Books for Babies {Gift Guide}
You can find some of my favorite CDs for babies and toddlers here: Favorite CDs for Babies and Toddlers {Gift Guide}
If you’re looking for Montessori-friendly toys that will be appealing to toddlers 15-36 months old, they’re in my Best Gifts for Kids: Montessori-Friendly Toys for Toddlers.
If you have a preschooler, don’t miss this: Best Gifts for Kids: Montessori-Friendly Toys for Preschoolers.
Gift Guide: The Best Classic Children’s Books for Preschoolers has some of my favorite books.
You’ll find lots of ideas for Montessori homeschoolers here: Gift Guide for Montessori Homeschoolers
Favorite Shelves, Trays, Baskets and More for Montessori Homeschoolers {Gift Guide} has more ideas for Montessori homeschoolers.
Favorite Handmade Learning Materials for Preschoolers from Etsy {Gift Guide} has lots of absolutely gorgeous materials.
You’ll find lots of Montessori-friendly Advent calendars here: Favorite Montessori-Friendly Advent Calendars {Gift Guide}.
You’ll find lots of special gift ideas in The Best Gifts for Montessori Teachers.
See “How to Create a Montessori-Friendly Home” for ideas for a number of levels. Here are some of my main home environment posts here:
- How to Prepare a Montessori Baby Room at Home (roundup post)
- How to Prepare a Montessori Toddler Environment at Home (roundup post)
- Preparing a Montessori Newborn Baby Space at Home
- How to Use Montessori Mobiles to Encourage a Newborn Baby’s Development and Delight
- Preparing a Montessori Baby Space with Shelves at Home
- Preparing a Montessori Baby Space in Your Living Room
- Preparing a Montessori Baby-Toddler Space at Home
- Preparing Montessori Toddler Spaces at Home (includes my Montessori toilet learning setup)
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 2 Year Old
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 2½ Year Old
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 3 Year Old
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 3½ Year Old
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 4 Year Old
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 4½ Year Old
- How to Prepare Montessori Shelves for a 5 Year Old
- How to Prepare Themed Montessori Shelves
- How to Prepare a Montessori Home Environment for Afterschooling
- Create an Attractive Home Environment from Montessori at Home!
- How to Set Up a Montessori Homeschool Classroom
- How to Prepare Montessori Homeschool Spaces for Babies through First Graders
- How to Prepare a Montessori Space in Your Living Room for Toddlers Through Early Elementary
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
The Montessori at Home! eBook and Montessori at Home! eBook and Materials Bundle are AMAZING resources! You can learn more about them here. Buy them in the Living Montessori Now shop.
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I love this and very much agree with your list! Pinning 🙂
We have a rainbow skwish – it’s amazing! My daughter loves playing with it and working out the beads, even at 16 months! What a great list. Such a nice change to the plastic toys – thanks for being an advocate for mother nature 🙂
I have a few of these already and most of the list was already on my pinning board! Great post – I am debating whether I should buy a color version of her skwish. She loved it as a younger infant but now seems more attracted to colors that pop!
I love this list. I was just talking to a friend of mine that recently had a baby about the Montessori approach. I directed her to this site because you share such great ideas on how to implement Montessori with our children. 🙂 I would love it if you shared a post at my new link-up: http://www.joyfocusedlearning.com/2013/11/anything-goes-link-up-1.html
I want that Kitchen Helper so badly!! Hoping I’ve dropped enough hints to my in-laws 🙂
Good to see toys made from natural products. We should be cautious about not exposing our kids to toys made from harmful materials. These toys look so good and kids are definitely gonna love these. Thanks for sharing.