Whether you want to focus on evergreen trees in general, Christmas trees, or both, you’ll find lots of fun resources in our new unit! It’s an evergreen tree theme with hands-on activities for preschool through early elementary.
Here, you’ll find links to free evergreen tree printables used to prepare hands-on activities and a new Montessori-inspired evergreen tree pack for our newsletter subscribers’ resource library!
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links (at no cost to you).
Montessori Shelves with Evergreen Tree Themed Activities
Montessori Shelves with Evergreen Tree Themed Activities
You’ll find Montessori-inspired evergreen tree themed numbers, letters, and and more (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber) Note: The Montessori-inspired evergreen tree pack isn’t designed as a complete evergreen tree unit but as supplemental materials. I design the packs using realistic images that I’ve often looked for when preparing a unit study (such as font cards and phonogram cards featuring the letter and phonogram related to the theme and math cards with realistic images that fit the theme and can be adapted for math activities at a variety of levels.)
You could mix your evergreen tree themed activities among your shelves according to curriculum area. Or you could have a special evergreen tree themed area something like the one pictured. My shelves at the beginning of our unit have a mixture of skill levels. Many of the activities can be adapted for a variety of levels. If you’re a homeschooler, just choose the activities that work for your child’s interests and ability levels. If you don’t have room for all the activities you’d like to do, simply rotate them.
Montessori Shelves with Evergreen Tree Themed Activities and Albrecht Durer Art Print
Notice the framed art print Pine (1495-1497) by Albrecht Durer. It’s a free download from Wikiart.
For our monthly featured art print, I purchased a Li’l DAVINCI art frame that opens in the front for easily changing a free art masterpiece printable or vintage illustration to fit with the month’s theme. The frame can be switched from horizontal to vertical without changing the hanger, which is perfect!
If you’re wondering about the rugs and rug box I use, both the rugs and wooden rug holder are from Montessori Services. I love the Montessori Services rugs and rug holder! I used to use an umbrella stand something like these. I loved that for 1-3 rugs, but I needed something different when I had more grandchildren and some projects that needed more than one rug.
Favorite Shelves, Trays, Baskets, and More for Montessori Homeschoolers
I often get asked about the trays, baskets, etc., that I use, so I published a post with many of the items. You can find lots of helpful resources here. They’re not all essential, so don’t feel you need to have everything. Just choose what’s best for your budget and your unique family’s needs. You’ll find more ideas in the Living Montessori Now Amazon shop
Evergreen Tree Themed Books for Kids
Even though I have books on shelves, I typically have many of my themed books in a forward-facing display after placing a plant where the themed book basket was before. Most of my seasonal books are now in that book basket.
For toddlers and preschoolers, about ¾ of the books I use are typically Montessori friendly (focusing on reality without smiling or talking animals or smiling or talking vehicles).
Books for an Evergreen Tree Unit
Top Shelf of Themed Shelves:
- A Walk in the Boreal Forest has lots of beautiful photographs along with information about the boreal forest and its evergreen trees.
- DK’s The Magic & Mystery of Trees has lovely illustrations and is packed with information about a wide variety of trees.
- Why Evergreens Keep Their Leaves
- From Cone to Pine Tree
Top Shelf of Forward -Facing Display:
- Trees, Leaves, Flowers and Seeds: A Visual Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom
- Nature All Around: Trees
- The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown-ups
2nd Shelf:
3rd Shelf:
- The Littlest Evergreen
- Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect (has religious content)
- The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree
4th Shelf:
Bottom Shelf
- Kristoph and the First Christmas Tree (has religious content)
- The Queen and the First Christmas Tree
- Zee Grows a Tree
Evergreen Tree Books for Kids (including books as they’re published)
Miniature Christmas Village with Evergreen Tree and Montessori Preposition Work
Miniature Christmas Village with Evergreen Tree and Preposition Work
Free Printable: Preposition Cards from Preposition Game at All Day Primary.
This was a fun activity! I used an LED lighted miniature Christmas village set and our wooden grammar symbols for making sentences using the evergreen trees and other parts of the Christmas village. There are also wooden grammar symbols on Amazon, and there are even free printable Montessori grammar symbols.
My grandson helped me make the fake snow with Super Snow Powder, and he placed the village pieces on the tray. The Super Snow Powder is unavailable right now, but there are similar ones listed below it on the Amazon page. The fake snow was from our snowy day unit last December. There was still plenty of powder left left! (Note: If you use fake snow, be sure to place a large plastic bag over the tray at night so it doesn’t dry out. ) Depending on your environment and decorations, you might prefer a snow blanket.
This was mainly a verbal activity. For example, with the preposition “beside,” we said, “The evergreen trees are beside the buildings.
A Walk in the Boreal Forest, Taiga Map and Images, and Pages from The Magic & Mystery of Trees
A Walk in the Boreal Forest, Taiga Map and Images, and Pages from The Magic & Mystery of Trees
A Walk in the Boreal Forest has lots of beautiful photographs along with information about the boreal forest and its evergreen trees. DK’s The Magic & Mystery of Trees has lovely illustrations and is packed with information about a wide variety of trees.
Free Printable: Taiga Biome Flipbook by THE Mrs Bacon at TPT (I just used the cover and blank map reduced in size for my shelf. You could use the whole flip book and/or print the pages in a larger size.)
Free Printable: Taiga Biome Teacher’s Resource Guide & Pictures by Vicki Thompson at TPT (I used the images and map reduced in size for my shelf.)
Snow Forest Pages from The Magic & Mystery of Trees with Evergreen Tree Work in the Background
Snow Forest Pages from the Magic & Mystery of Trees with Evergreen Tree Work in the Background
Again, you can see pages from DK’s The Magic & Mystery of Trees (the book on the easel). In the background are some great evergreen tree activities from our Winter Mega Bundle.
Sand Writing Tray for an Evergreen Tree Unit
Sand Writing Tray for an Evergreen Tree Unit
Free Printables /ĕ/ for evergreen (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber). They come in print, D’Nealian, and cursive.
I also added the ee tree phonogram card from our tree unit.
You’ll see a variety of simple letter writing trays in my previous unit study posts. I often used the wooden tray from the Melissa & Doug Lace and Trace Shapes. You can use whatever tray or container work best for you, though.
The sandpaper letters I use are available in print or cursive.
I typically now use this lovely spelling/alphabet tray from FamilyTreeWW on Etsy. I like it for writing more than one letter or spelling words. (Note: If that sand tray is currently unavailable, you’ll find lots of other options for Montessori sand trays on Etsy.) I found some colored sand in 12 colors on Amazon that I started to use instead of salt or colored salt. I love it because it’s so soft and feels great! For kids who might have sensitive hands, it works better than salt. I used the white sand for this sand tray, and it’s a fun “snow” effect.
If you would like help with introducing phonetic sounds, introducing objects with sounds, or beginning phonics in general, check out my DIY Beginning Montessori Phonics with Preschoolers.
Pine i_e Phonogram, i_e Booklet, and Pinecone Alphabet Cards
Pine i_e Phonogram, i_e Booklet, and Pinecone Alphabet Cards
Free Printable: /i_e/ phonogram in clues (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
Free Printable: Green Series i_e Letters from MontessoriSoul (Print two sets if you want to use the pictures for movable alphabet word building.)
Free Printables: Pinecone alphabet cards (part of my subscriber freebies, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber).
The pinecone alphabet cards in print and cursive are easily adaptable, depending on the child’s level. They can be used for a variety of activities, such as matching letters with sandpaper letters, matching print to cursive letters, or movable alphabet word building,
Evergreen Tree Cards and Counters with Odd and Even Labels
Evergreen Tree Cards and Counters with Odd and Even Labels
Free Printable: 1-10 Playdough Numbers and Counters Mats from Winter Playdough Math Pack (or any of our seasonal playdough math packs). I didn’t show anything on the numerals here, but you could laminate the cards and use them for wipe-off cards, playdough numbers, or loose parts such as beads for filling in the numerals.
Free Printable: Odd and Even Labels … the small ones (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber).
I used 55 trees from our 72-piece mini evergreen tree set for this activity. This just shows numbers and cards 1-3, but we lay out the cards for 1-10.
For kids who are already comfortable with symbol and quantity, I’ll typically use the cards and counters for hands-on addition, subtraction, and other mathematical operations. (See the following activity and my other themed posts for ideas.) But’s it’s fun occasionally to reinforce odd and even with cards and counters and the word cards for odd and even. My 5-year-old grandson thought it was fun placing the trees on the dots even though he’s very comfortable with numbers. It was a great way to reinforce odd and even numbers and word cards, too!
Evergreen Tree Subtraction and Addition
Evergreen Tree Subtraction and Addition Layout
Free Printable: Evergreen tree number cards 1-10 and addition and subtraction symbols (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber).
Free Printable: 1-5 spinner (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber).
I used 10 trees from our 72-piece mini evergreen tree set for this activity.
We’ve been reading about Christmas tree farms, and many of them plant two trees for each tree that’s cut down.
For this layout, we started out with 5 trees, spun the spinner to get 3 trees that we cut down (subtracted). Then we planted (added) 6 trees (2 for each of the 3 trees cut down). We ended up with a total of 8 trees.
There are so many different activities you can prepare using the math cards! You’ll find many ideas in our previous units.
Montessori Shelf with Evergreen Tree Work
Montessori Shelf with Evergreen Tree Work
The Winter Mega Bundle came out at the perfect time for our new evergreen tree unit! These printables are from the Winter Mega Bundle and Upgrade. I use a lot of free printables in our unit studies and a few paid products … although the Mega Bundle provides normally full-priced products at an almost-free price!
Why Evergreens Keep Their Leaves with Bird and Evergreen Tree Prepositions
This shows the sweet book Why Evergreens Keep Their Leaves with a fun preposition game for a variety of ages. I used a little miniature tree we had along with the Safari Ltd. Good Luck Minis cardinal (3-D objects not essential for this activity) with the Bird (and Evergreen) Prepositions from the lovely Montessori-Inspired Language Activities printable from the Winter Mega Bundle. The printable is a great way to reinforce prepositions with older kids or just focus on positional words with younger children. (Note: If you purchased the 2023 Winter Mega Bundle, you have access to the Montessori-Inspired Language Activities printable! Otherwise, the Montessori-Inspired Language Activities printable is available to purchase from Etsy.)
The next photo shows From Cone to Pine Tree book with a number of beautiful posters and a pine tree life cycle accordion activity from the Pine Trees study in the Winter Mega Bundle. You can’t see them behind the accordion project, but I’m using the sweet Life Cycle of a Christmas Tree poster and booklet-making project from the Upgraded Winter Mega Bundle.
I have limited shelf space, and this shelf shows how I sometimes use wooden plate holders to conserve space for home use. I can easily switch out the printables, and there are more evergreen printables along with so many other awesome printables in the Mega Bundle and Upgrade!
Free Montessori-Inspired Evergreen Tree Pack
Montessori-Inspired Evergreen Tree Pack for DIY Cards and Counters, Number or Letter Matching, Number or Letter Basket, Bead Bar Work, Hands-on Math Operations, Number or Letter Salt/Sand Writing Tray, Letter Tracing, DIY Movable Alphabet, and Creative Writing (subscriber freebie, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password – or check your inbox if you’re already a subscriber).
More Tree Resources
Free Evergreen Tree Songs and Educational Videos
Montessori-Inspired Tree Pack for DIY Cards and Counters, Number or Letter Matching, Number or Letter Basket, Bead Bar Work, Hands-on Math Operations, Number or Letter Salt/Sand Writing Tray, Letter Tracing, DIY Movable Alphabet, and Creative Writing (subscriber freebie, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password – or check your inbox if you’re already a subscriber)
Free Tree Printables and Montessori-Inspired Tree Activities
Free Christmas Tree Printables and Montessori-Inspired Christmas Tree Activities
Free Christmas Tree Songs and Educational Videos
More Tree Activities and Resources
- Favorite Books for an Evergreen Tree Theme
- Free Christmas Tree Printables and Montessori-Inspired Christmas Tree Activities
- Free Tree Songs and Educational Videos {Learn about Trees, Apple Trees, and Seasons}
- Free Seasons of an Apple Tree Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- How to Make a Tree Book Featuring Real Parts of a Tree
- Free Tree Printables and Montessori-Inspired Tree Activities
- Free Tree Do-a-Dot Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- Montessori-Inspired Arbor Day Activities
- The Ultimate Guide to Montessori-Inspired Leaf Activities and Resources
If you’d like ideas for calendar-based themes throughout November and December, see my November Themed Activities for Kids. and December Themed Activities for Kids.
Have a fun winter!
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And don’t forget one of the best ways to follow me by signing up for my weekly newsletter. You’ll receive some awesome freebies in the process!
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