I’ve loved publishing a variety of gratitude posts as a blogger. Now we’re having a whole gratitude unit! I’ve added lots of Montessori activities using free printables along with a new Montessori-inspired gratitude pack for our newsletter subscribers’ resource library! Although a gratitude unit is wonderful in the fall, it’s great at any time. Because of that, I designed the pack to be usable throughout the year.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links (at no cost to you).
Montessori Shelves with Gratitude-Themed Activities
Montessori Shelves with Gratitude-Themed Activities
You’ll find Montessori-inspired gratitude numbers, letters, and and more (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
I always have related books available throughout a unit. On the top shelf, I have some books showing gratitude from individuals in other cultures. Gracias/Thanks is written in both Spanish and English. Giving Thanks focuses on gratitude expressed by the Iroquois people, and We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga focuses on gratitude expressed by the Cherokee people. I added the Montessori continents globe to show where the people in the books would live.
In front of the books on the shelf are free gratitude conversation starters by teachingwithsteph at Teachers Pay Teachers. I printed them out four to a page and am rotating three at a time to use for gratitude discussions. I’m displaying them on a small wooden display stand from Montessori Services.
You could mix your gratitude-themed activities among your shelves according to curriculum area. Or you could have a special gratitude-themed area something like the one pictured. My shelves this month have a mixture of skill levels mainly from preschooler through early elementary. Many of the activities can be adapted for a variety of levels. If you’re a homeschooler, just choose the activities that work for your child’s interests and ability levels. If you don’t have room for all the activities you’d like to do, simply rotate them.
Continents Globe with Gracias/Thanks and Giving Thanks Books
Books Gracias Thanks and Giving Thanks with Continents Globe
We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga Book with Gratitude Jar and Cards
We Are Grateful Otsaliheliga Book with Gratitude Jar
Free Printables: Thankful jar and cards from Mama Miss
I’ve seen many nice gratitude jars for November. I especially like this printable set because it’s lovely and can be used year-round. I like the idea of having “I am thankful for” cards available throughout the year. I divided mine by color and put them in a Montessori cards display box.
Seed Bead Writing Tray with G for Grateful Font Cards
Seed Bead Writing Tray with G for Grateful Font Cards
Free Printables: Grateful letter g font cards for a seed bead writing tray (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
For the seed bead tray, I used the wooden tray from the Melissa & Doug Lace and Trace Shapes. You can use whatever tray or container work best for you, though. I used tiny seed beads, which have a fun texture and work quite well for writing!
If you would like help with introducing phonetic sounds, introducing objects with sounds, or beginning phonics in general, check out my DIY Beginning Montessori Phonics with Preschoolers.
Matching Cursive Gratitude Alphabet Cards to Manuscript Gratitude Alphabet Cards
Matching Gratitude Cursive Letters to Manuscript Letters
Free Printable: Gratitude movable alphabet cards in manuscript and cursive (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
My almost-6-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, really enjoys this activity. I use it with a cursive tracing board. I got the 2-sided version (with capital letters on one side and lowercase on the other), since capital cursive letters aren’t commonly seen on written materials.
After tracing the letters on the tracing board, Zoey places the manuscript letters in alphabetical order. Then she matches each of the cursive letters to the manuscript letters.
Th Phonogram Card and Booklet
Thankful th Phonogram Card and Booklet
Free Printables: Th phonogram card (showing “thank you” in sign language) with word “thankful” (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
Free Printable: Th Phonogram Picture and Letter Cards from MontessoriSoul
These activities are very simple to prepare. I just print out the materials and make them into little booklets. I have a post and video on how to introduce words starting with phonograms, even with very young children (although I don’t introduce phonograms to very young children except in a word like “shark” that can’t be explained as starting with /s/).
DIY Gratitude Cards and Counters with Odd and Even Labels
Tray with Gratitude Cards and Counters
Free Printables: Gratitude Numbers and Odd and Even Labels (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
I love making DIY themed cards and counters to introduce odd and even and add interest and variety to cards and counters. I used acrylic hearts. You need exactly 55 acrylic hearts if you want to do the numbers and counters 1-10. These are the same hearts I used for our heart activities last winter. I display them simply on a Multicraft tray.
For Zoey and other kids who are already comfortable with symbol and quantity, I’ll typically use the cards and counters for hands-on addition, subtraction, and other mathematical operations. (See some of my other themed posts for ideas.) But sometimes, I like to use the odd and even labels.
The odd and even labels that can be used with the cards and counters to reinforce the actual words “odd” and “even.” It’s a great way to be sure readers understand the concept of odd and even.
Gratitude Cards and Counters Layout with Odd and Even Labels
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt for Fall
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Free Printable: Gratitude Scavenger Hunt for Kids from Natural Beach Living
I just printed the scavenger hunt out at 60% and added it to a small tabletop easel on the shelf. Even my toddler grandkids will be able to have fun with some of the scavenger hunt ideas!
“Giving Back the Gratitude” Tray with Fingerprint or Handprint Thank You Cards
Giving Back the Gratitude Tray with Fingerprint or Handprint Thank You Cards
Free Printable: Thank you cards from Picklebums
Free Printable: Fingerprint inspiration such as the fingerprint bugs from Rays of Bliss for older preschoolers on up.
Free Printable: Giving Back the Gratitude Cards by Cathy Ruth at Teachers Pay Teachers
I added the Giving Back the Gratitude Cards as inspiration for a giving back tray (seen on the bottom right shelf).
Free Gratitude Printables for Preschoolers-First Graders
Montessori-Inspired Gratitude Pack for DIY Cards and Counters, Number or Letter Matching, Number or Letter Basket, Bead Bar Work, Hands-on Math Operations, Number or Letter Salt/Sand Writing Tray, Letter Tracing, DIY Movable Alphabet, and Creative Writing (subscriber freebie, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password – or check your inbox if you’re already a subscriber).
Free Gratitude Printables for Any Time:
- See links in activities above
Free Gratitude Do-a-Dot Phonics Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
Free Gratitude Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- 20+ Free Year-Round Gratitude Printables for Kids (my post at Bits of Positivity)
- Gratitude Printables at Teachers Pay Teachers (many are for year-round gratitude)
Free November/Thanksgiving-Themed Gratitude Printables:
- Things I Am Thankful For Story Window from Buggy and Buddy
- Thankfulness Cards and Crafts from Happy and Blessed Home
- Thankful Thanksgiving Printables (subscriber freebies – I Am Thankful ABCs + 4 Other Printables) from Natural Beach Living
- Gratitude Tree from Mama Smiles
- Thankfulness Scripture Copywork from My Joy-Filled Life
- Family Devotions for November from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls
- Thanksgiving Photo Scavenger Hunt (subcriber freebie) from Edventures with Kids
- Turkey Thankful Coloring Page (and thankful list) from Mama Miss
- Gratitude Activity for Preschoolers: Free Printable Inspired by Bear Says Thanks from Sunny Day Family
- Thankful Chalkboard Inspired Sign (subscriber freebie) from Sunny Day Family
- I Am Thankful For Coloring Page (subscriber freebie) from Nurture Store
- Thankful Cards from What Do We Do All Day?
- I Am Thankful For… Placemat from Mama Miss
- Free Printable Turkey Thankful Coloring Page from Mama Miss
- I Am Thankful For You Printable Tags from The Educators’ Spin On It
- Thankfulness Cootie Catcher (subscriber freebie) from Bren Did
- Thanksgiving Tree Printable from Craftionary
- Thanks and Giving Tree from Cranial Hiccups
- The Thankful Tree from Love Teaching Children
- Thanksgiving Photo Booth Props from The Dating Divas
- Thanksgiving Gratitude Conversation Starters from Modern Parents Messy Kids
- Gratitude List for Thanksgiving from Practical Mommy
- Thanksgiving Gratitude Letters from Artsy Momma
- My ABCs of Thanksgiving Journal from This Reading Mama
- Thankful Journal from School Time Snippets
- Gratitude Journal from WriteShop (post at Homeschool Creations)
- Today I Am Grateful For… Interlined Paper from Storytime Standouts
- 30 Days of Thanksgiving Printable from Meet Penny
- Thanksgiving Gratitude Printables from Teachers Pay Teachers
More Gratitude Resources
Montessori-Inspired Gratitude Activities
The Best Gratitude Books for Kids
- How to Help Your Kids Have an Attitude of Gratitude
- How to Help Your Kids Have an Attitude of Gratitude, Part 2 (November Gratitude Activities)
- November Gratitude Inspiration and Activities
- 20+ Family Gratitude Activities
- Free Gratitude Songs and Rhymes for Home or School
- 30+ Free Thanksgiving Gratitude Printables for Kids
- 20+ Free Year-Round Gratitude Printables for Kids
- Free Guided Gratitude Meditations for Kids {Mindfulness Resources}
- Free Guided Gratitude Meditations {Mindfulness Resources for Teens and Adults}
- Free Gratitude Printables and Montessori-Inspired Gratitude Activities
- Free Gratitude Do-a-Dot Phonics Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- Free Gratitude Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- Thank You for Planet Earth (or Thank You, Planet Earth) Mindfulness Cards and Booklet
- Gratitude Activities and Inspiration Pinterest Board
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
If this is your first time visiting Living Montessori Now, welcome! If you haven’t already, please join us on our Living Montessori Now Facebook page where you’ll find a Free Printable of the Day and lots of inspiration and ideas for parenting and teaching! And please follow me on Instagram, Pinterest (lots of Montessori-, holiday-, and theme-related boards), and YouTube. While you’re here, please check out the Living Montessori Now shop.
And don’t forget one of the best ways to follow me by signing up for my weekly newsletter. You’ll receive some awesome freebies in the process!
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