Literature-based unit studies often fit well with Montessori education. Related hands-on activities are great extensions to sharing books with children. May 13-19 is Children’s Book Week, which is a perfect time to add a literature-based unit study or mini unit.
Today, I’d like to share some ideas for Montessori-inspired, literature based activities for preschoolers from around the blogosphere.
BFIAR Activities and Resources
BFIAR activities are based on the book Before Five in a Row: A Treasury of Creative Ideas to Inspire Learning Readiness. Topics are geared toward ages 2-4 and based on a book of the week (a book read five days in a row).
A number of Montessori-inspired homeschoolers have used BFIAR to create hands-on activity trays focused on the recommended books. Here are some resources to help you create your own Montessori-inspired BFIAR units.
Printable Before Five in a Row and Five in a Row Book Lists from In Lieu of Preschool (In Lieu of Preschool also has a number of BFIAR posts.)
BFIAR posts and FIAR link-up at Delightful Learning.
Literature-Based Printables from Homeschool Creations
Literature Units from Homeschool Share (including activities for titles in the FIAR series)
Goodnight Moon Sensory Bin from Growing a Jeweled Rose
Five in a Row posts (BFIAR posts and more advanced FIAR posts) from The Adventures of Bear (Photo from BFIAR – Goodnight Moon)
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Activities (Photo from Bear Activities and Stories) from Rockabye Butterfly
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt (BFIAR) from Chasing Cheerios
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Sensory Tub from Janne’s Jabberwocky
BFIAR-ish (Montessori-inspired unit studies using BFIAR books and a few others) from Wildflower Ramblings
BFIAR posts from Angelic Scalliwags
BFIAR posts from Our Country Road
BFIAR posts from School Time Snippets
General Montessori-Inspired Literature-Based Activities
JDaniel4’s Mom has a weekly post called Read. Explore.Learn, which often features Montessori-inspired activities based on books. There’s also a linky that contains literature-based activities as well.
I have a post with Montessori-Inspired Activities for the Tortoise and the Hare.
I also have a post with Montessori-Inspired Ideas for Enjoying Books with Your Child or Students.
Pinterest Boards with Literature-Based Activities
I have a Literature-Based Activities Pinterest board with lots of ideas. I also have literature-based activities on my other themed Pinterest boards (along with activities that would work well with specific books).
Montessori Monday Link-Up
If you have some Montessori activity trays/lessons to share, please link up below. It’s fine to link up a post from your archives – and you may link up anytime during the week! Your post may be any Montessori-inspired activity or idea. It doesn’t need to be related to my Montessori Monday post.
Link up your exact post URL so that we can find your activity if we return to the linky at a later date (which I often do when I’m looking for activities for a roundup post). I publish the Montessori Monday post and linky at 6:00 a.m. EST each Monday and keep the linky open throughout the week.
Please place the Montessori Monday button (using the code from the right sidebar) in your post or put a link back to this post. Let’s use Montessori Monday to gain inspiration/ideas and to encourage each other! If you would leave an encouraging comment on the post linked up ahead of you (along with any other posts you’re drawn to), that would be awesome! Thanks for participating!
For community discussions, please join us at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page, We Teach Montessori Group, and/or Google+ Montessori Community.
If you have a giveaway on your blog, please add it to my Family-Friendly Giveaway Linky Page! If you enjoy entering giveaways, you’ll always find some great giveaways there.
Also, if you’ve ever been linked to in one of my roundup posts, please feel free to grab the “Featured on” badge.
Have you added the Montessori Monday button or a text link? Please be sure you’ve done one or the other so that others can find the link-up, too! Thank you!
If this is your first time visiting Living Montessori Now, welcome! If you haven’t already, please join us on our Living Montessori Now Facebook page where you’ll find a Free Printable of the Day and lots of inspiration and ideas for parenting and teaching!
Linked to Tuesday Tots, Tactile Tuesday, The Mommy Club Resources and Solutions at Milk and Cuddles and Crystal & Co., The Weekly Kid’s Co-op, Ultimate Mom Resources, Hearts for Home Blog Hop, Virtual Montessori Sharing Fair, Learn & Link, TGIF Linky Party, Preschool Corner, Sharing Saturday, Saturday Show & Tell, Share It Saturday, Show-and-Share Saturday, The Sunday Showcase, Link & Learn, and Afterschool Express
I’ve never really had a book-based mini-unit but I am finally planning on doing so next school year and your post has me convinced that it’s not a bad idea. Thank you. I have been so hesitant at doing so. I am a very thematic person (I bet you can tell) and I’ve always been afraid a book might not have been enough for an entire week but it looks like they’re quite a bit a possibilities. Good book suggestions too!
Deb, Thanks for including my BFIAR-ish page! Hope you have a great week — and happy anniversary 🙂 -Amy
I didn’t post an activity but more about Montessori inspired parenting and living. I hope this is ok. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks so much for including angelicscalliwags and thanks for hosting!
In addition to Monday Kid Corner Weekly Linky Party, this week’s theme is MUD. Brush off those archives and link them up at See you there! Jennifer
What wonderful ideas!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!