Studying dolphins and whales is great at any time of year (especially if you’re studying mammals), but I love studying ocean animals during the summer. I’m excited to tell you about the new Montessori-Inspired Dolphins and Whales Printable Pack for preschool through elementary from Every Star Is Different!
Disclosure: I’ve been given a copy of these materials to review. My opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links (at no cost to you).
There are 122 pages of printables in the Montessori-Inspired Dolphins and Whales Printable Pack. It’s available at 50% off ($8.99 with no coupon code needed) through tonight, July 5!
Note: also check out the new Meal and Snacktime Visual Schedules and Supports for Kids, which are helpful for many families, including ones with special diets and sensory issues. It’s also 50% off ($2.99 with no coupon code needed) through tonight as well.
Montessori-Inspired Dolphin and Whale Activities Using the Printables from Every Star Is Different
I’ve loved all the materials I’ve used from Every Star Is Different.
We’ve started to use just a few of the printables from the Dolphins and Whales Printable Pack. The printables we’ve used have been great! Here’s a bit about the printables along with what we’ve done so far.
Montessori-Inspired Dolphins and Whales Printable Pack
The Dolphins and Whales Printable Pack includes:
- Dolphin and Whale First Letter Sounds Do-a-Dot Pages
- Dolphin and Whale First Letter Sound Play Dough Mats
- Dolphin and Whale Writing Strips
- Dolphin and Whale Nomenclature Cards
- Dolphin and Whale Description Cards
- Dolphin and Whale Clip Cards
- Parts of a Dolphin and Whale Nomenclature Cards
- Parts of a Dolphin and Whale Description Cards
- Dolphin and Whale Behaviors Nomenclature Cards
- Dolphin and Whale Behaviors Description Cards
- Dolphin and Whale Measurement Estimation Clip Cards
Dolphin and Whale Nomenclature Cards and Dolphin and Whale Description Cards
Working with Dolphin and Whale Nomenclature and Description Cards with Safari Ltd Dolphins and Whales TOOB Figures
I love that the printables from Every Star Is Different are designed for both preschool and elementary levels. Not only do they grow with your child, but they’re great for children of different levels working together.
Here, my 8-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, and 4-year-old grandson, Caleb, are working together with the Dolphin and Whale Nomenclature and Description Cards. There are more dolphins and whales included in the printables than what I show here. I love that the printables are so thorough and well researched! I just put out the ones here that go with the Safari Ltd. Dolphins and Whales TOOB.
I didn’t use these as traditional 4-part cards (I often vary how they’re used). I read parts of the description cards, and Zoey and Caleb matched them to the nomenclature cards. Then they matched the dolphin and whale figures. It was a great activity, and we all learned new information about dolphins and whales!
Parts of a Dolphin and Whale Nomenclature Cards and Parts of a Dolphin and Whale Description Cards
Anatomy of a Dolphin Page from Ocean Anatomy Book with Schleich Dolphin and Parts of a Dolphin Nomenclature and Description Cards
I used the lovely Ocean Anatomy book to go with the Parts of a Dolphin Nomenclature and Description Cards. I also added our well-loved Schleich dolphin to the activity.
I would introduce whale anatomy with another page in the book at a different time.
Dolphin and Whale Behaviors Nomenclature Cards and Dolphin and Whale Behaviors Description Cards
Dolphin and Whale Behaviors Nomenclature and Description Cards
It’s fascinating to learn more about dolphin and whale behaviors. I’m simply using this as a matching activity while discussing the behaviors.
Dolphin and Whale Measurement
Gray Whale Measurement Activity
The printable pack actually has Dolphin and Whale Measurement Estimation Clip Cards. I did the activity with Caleb, so I cut off the estimation/clip card part of the cards and measured a number of well-known dolphins and whales with an extra-long tape measure. Caleb held the end of the tape measure while I measured out how long each of the dolphins and whales are. The photo shows the gray whale measurement at 49 feet, 3 inches. There’s even a blue whale at 95 feet, 1 inch!
There are many more activities in the printable pack! Such a great way to learn about dolphins and whales!
My Reviews of Montessori Printables from Every Star Is Different
After the gallery has loaded, you can see all my posts with reviews of Every Star Is Different printables. Just click on an image to go to that post!
You can see all my reviews of Every Star Is Different Printables with slightly larger cover images here.
You can see all the products in the Every Star Is Different shop here.
Thanks for being so awesome!
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
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