Whether you homeschool or not, a summer bucket list can be a great idea for summer fun and learning. [Note: a summer bucket list is a list of activities your family wants to do before the summer ends.]
Without an intentional focus on choosing some summer activities, it’s too easy to feel a bit aimless and lost during summer vacation. I’m all for unstructured time to dream and create … you can even add ideas and time for that in your bucket list (for example, “Lie in the grass and look at the clouds”)!
It’s great if you have a bucket list of activities your whole family can enjoy. If you wish, you could also have a special bucket list for your toddler or preschooler.
Remember, a summer bucket list is supposed to be fun … maybe you “win” if you don’t actually accomplish everything! You can choose a format for your bucket list or activity list that gives you the amount of control over the activity for the day that you wish. For little control but more suspense, draw the activity from slips of paper with an activity written on each one. Use a format like an activity calendar or grab bag if you’d like more control.
Disclosure: This post contains some free printables (at no cost to you).
Some Great Ideas for Creating a Summer Bucket List or Activity List
Summer Bucket List (also using a bucket) from Montessori 3-6 Homeschool
Summer Bucket List Activity from Thrifty NW Mom (has a free blank Summer Bucket Activity Sheet and lists of activities)
Summer Bucket List Banner from Fakin’ It
Activity Jars for Busy Kids (long list of ideas) from The Imagination Tree (Just write the activities on the sticks or use the template below to create professional-looking activity sticks.)
Summer Boredom Jar (list of activities) from I’m Bored, Let’s Make Something
“Mom, I’m Bored” Jar from Somewhat Simple
100 Summer Crafts and Activities for Kids from The Artful Parent
Get Organized for Summer Learning (learning space and learning options) from Imagination Soup
Kids’ Summer Journal and Fun Guide Free Printable (free 24-page printable including ideas and forms for creating a summer bucket list) from A Cultivated Nest
Activity Calendars (an option for an activity a day instead of a standard bucket list) with free July calendar from Kids Activities Blog
You’ll find lots of free summer bucket list printables at TPT.
You’ll also find lots of free summer boredom buster printables at TPT.
Calendar Observances and Themed Activities (my posts) – find the calendar observances you’d like to observe and themed activities you’d like to do during the current month. I have themed activity calendars for June, July, and August (and every month).
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