The giveaway has ended, but check out these great specials from Maestro Classics:
Until June 30, use code LIVINGMONTESSORINOW on Maestro Classics Store for $10 off any order over $39.00 (that would be any 4 MP3 downloads, or any 3 CDs, or combo of)!
Get a Juanita the Spanish Lobster CD (Spanish version) for $5 which comes with a FREE download of the English version of the CD – great for kids learning Spanish!
You’ll find the giveaway winner at the end of the post, right below the Rafflecopter form. Also, be sure to check out the reviews and activity posts below!
I have a FABULOUS worldwide giveaway with a chance for someone to win a Maestro Classics classical music collection with 11 downloads of MP3s and PDF booklets for a child, homeschool, preschool, or elementary school!!! ($110 value!)
I love to recommend Maestro Classics. Maestro Classics music albums for kids have won over 45 national awards – and those awards are from the top children’s product reviewers in the country!
Maestro Classics fits in perfectly with Montessori education (or any type of education)! You’ll find Maestro Classics products listed in the Montessori Services catalog. Maestro Classics has amazing CDs that encourage music appreciation through a mixture of classical music and story. The music is even performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra!
The music is sophisticated enough for advanced musicians to appreciate, and the narration and booklets are clear and simple enough that parents without any musical background can feel comfortable sharing the experience with their children. Most of the CDs are intended for ages 5+ and families, although many children from about age 4 on would love them.
Maestro Classics has a special 6-CD pack offer that ends JUNE 10TH so don’t forget to check it out! 6 Maestro Classics CDs for $68!
Disclosure: I was given a set of Maestro Classics CDs. I was never required to give positive reviews. My reviews are honest and my own opinion.
About Maestro Classics 11-MP3/PDF Collection
The 11-MP3/PDF Collection contains
- Peter and the Wolf
- The Story of Swan Lake
- My Name is Handel: The Story of Handel’s Water Music
- The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
- The Tortoise and the Hare
- Casey at the Bat
- Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
- Carnival of the Animals
- The Soldier’s Tale
- Juanita the Spanish Lobster
- Juanita la Langosta Española
The 11 MP3/PDF’s are $99 when purchased as a collection, but each MP3/PDF is $9.98 when purchased individually.
Here are the descriptions of the 11 titles (in italics) from Maestro Classics with my impressions of a number of the titles. Click on each image to go to the title.
The Maestro Classics albums are wonderfu! I have the set of CDs and a number of the MP3/PDF booklet downloads. I often found it helpful to be able to print out the booklets to help in making hands-on activities (as you can see in some of my activity posts).
A young boy named Peter disobeys his grandfather and climbs over the garden wall. When he encounters a wolf, with quick thinking and the help of his friends – a bird, a duck and a cat – Peter captures the wolf and it is taken to the zoo.
I’ve always absolutely loved Peter and the Wolf as a way to introduce young children to classical music. There are so many fun activities you can do to enrich this story, although the CD alone is amazing. Because it’s played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the music is wonderful for anyone. The CD is recommended for ages 4+ and families.
The illustrated booklet has some great activities and information about Russian folk music. I really enjoyed the Russian folk version of the title song and the dance along at the end. I could imagine how much my daughter especially would have loved the dancing when she was little. My feet were dancing just listening to it!
You’ll find Montessori-inspired Peter and the Wolf activities here: Montessori-Inspired Music Appreciation: Peter and the Wolf.
Swan Lake, Tchaikovsky’s greatest ballet score, is the tale of a prince who falls in love with a beautiful princess. The princess, however, has been turned into a swan by an evil magician, and only the prince’s love can break the spell. This narrated version of the classic tale for children is sure to delight all who love ballet and enchanting storytelling.
Swan Lake is a great way to expose children to classical music and story in the form of ballet. The London Philharmonic Orchestra and narration provide a beautiful introduction to the story. I also loved the creativity in a speed metal version of Swan Lake by Joe Stump on electric guitar.
The illustrated booklet is filled with background information and activities. I know my children would have enjoyed each of the Maestro Classics booklets. The Swan Lake booklet even has a simple explanation of major and minor music. I especially enjoyed the original lyrics to “Tchaikovsky Wrote a Great Ballet,” a fun song for kids and parents to sing along with after listening to the story.
You’ll find Montessori-inspired Swan Lake activities here: Montessori-Inspired Music Appreciation: Swan Lake.
My Name is Handel: The Story of Water Music
When Handel, the brilliant young German composer living in London, needed to get back into the king’s good graces, he had a brilliant idea.
He composed a suite of dances, hired a boat and 50 musicians, and headed down the River Thames to surprise King George I. The music became known as “Water Music,” one of Handel’s best-loved compositions.
Even as an adult, I enjoy learning more about composers, and My Name is Handel is a fascinating introduction to Handel’s life and music. The booklet gives an interesting version of both music and London in Handel’s time. My favorite, though, is “My Name is Handel” with its original lyrics and fun sing-a-long with the orchestra and chorus to the “Hornpipe” from Handel’s Water Music.
You’ll find Montessori-inspired My Name is Handel activities here: Montessori-Inspired Music Appreciation: My Name is Handel.
The lazy apprentice, confident that he can use his master’s spell to do his chores, chants the magic spell and takes a nap. As the water swirls around the workshop getting ever higher, the apprentice awakens, only to discover that he does not know the spell to stop the brooms! A thrilling narration accompanies Paul Dukas’ dramatic musical score.
You’ll find Montessori-inspired Sorcerer’s Apprentice activities here: Montessori-Inspired Music Appreciation: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Hare, certain that talent and new running shoes will win the race, stops for a little French onion soup at the bistro along the route. All the small animals in the forest cheer poor, slow Tortoise along, while Hare, who is far ahead, decides to take a nap. The charming musical score, complete with “The Pretzel Vendor of Paris” song, won a Parents’ Choice GOLD award.
The Tortoise and the Hare is LOTS of fun! I really enjoyed the narrated story and music. It’s a great way to introduce young children to classical music. And the Dixieland “Pretzel Vendor of Paris” song is especially fun.
You’ll find Montessori-inspired Tortoise and Hare activities here: Montessori-Inspired Activities for The Tortoise and the Hare.
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
Virginia Lee Burton’s classic American storybook, a childhood favorite for generations, is brought to life with this beautiful new music for orchestra and Irish bagpipes.
In the story, Mike Mulligan refuses to give up his aging steam shovel Mary Anne as they travel to find one last job together. A tale of loyalty and friendship, perseverance and good ideas, this musical CD won a Parents’ Choice GOLD award.
This CD is delightful! I always liked the story of Mike Mulligan and Mary Anne. I can’t think of many things more fun than sitting cuddled up on the sofa with kids, looking at the book Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel while listening to this CD. I really enjoyed the addition of the Irish bagpipes, which fit perfectly with the story.
“About the Author” by Bonnie Ward Simon is fascinating. I especially enjoyed the “About the Music” track by composer Stephen Simon. Although Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel is a book for young children, even adults will have fun learning why Stephen Simon made his choices of instruments.
Bonnie Simon also gives suggestions for actions to accompany the track with music without narration. The CD is recommended for ages 4+, although many 3 year olds would enjoy listening to the narrated music to accompany the book as well as joining in with the actions to the music alone.
You’ll find Montessori-inspired Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel activities here: Montessori-Inspired Activities for Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.
When the Mudville Nine are almost certain to lose the game, Mighty Casey takes his turn at bat, and the fans hold their breath as each pitch is thrown.
The upbeat, jazzy music performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra is highlighted by cheering crowds, vendors hawking their wares, the cheers of spectators and the sounds of the ball being hit, which bring the story to life.
You’ll find Montessori-inspired Casey at the Bat activities here: Montessori-Inspired Activities for Casey at the Bat.
Lions roar, elephants dance, roosters whistle, and fossils clatter. A brilliant new child-friendly recording. The fully illustrated program book includes the complete Ogden Nash verses.
I love introducing poetry to children, and Carnival of the Animals is an especially great way to introduce poetry along with classical music. Ogden Nash poems are used throughout first track in the work for narrator and orchestra. As usual, the London Philharmonic Orchestra makes listening a pleasure even for accomplished musicians.
Young children would enjoy moving like the animals along with the music as well as watching (or, especially, performing) a Carnival of the Animals puppet show using animal puppets. When my children were middle-school age and older, we often listened to CDs as we drove to their sports- or dance activities. Maestro Classics’ Carnival of the Animals is interesting enough to be a perfect travel CD for homeschoolers.
I also found the “About the Composer: Camille Saint-Saëns” track by Bonnie Simon and “About the Music” track by conductor Stephen Simon very interesting. The “About the Music” track is rich with information about the music … telling how it correlates with the animals and explaining how humor is shown throughout.
You’ll find Montessori-Inspired Carnival of the Animals activities here: Montessori-Inspired Music Appreciation: Carnival of the Animals.
Stravinsky’s greatest work for narrator and orchestra. It is the story of a soldier, on leave from the army, who trades his old violin for a magic book that can tell the future and make him rich. He soon discovers, however, that he has made a deal with the devil and that money does not bring happiness.
This new musical work from England combines flamenco guitar music with bel canto opera, poking fun at both, while telling a delightful story. The music of this tale invites you to not only have fun listening but also to learn and sing along.You’ll get a kick out of the high level of quality music performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the dynamic storytelling and the multifaceted tongue-in-cheek humor. Fun for all!
Juanita la langosta española story and music MP3 download
More about the Maestro Classics Albums:
The MP3s typically follow the same format:
- A work for narrator and orchestra with the music and story equally important.
- Information about the life and times of the work and composer.
- Introduction of a new musical genre in which the theme from the title track is transformed into jazz, folk, Dixieland, or another style.
- The conductor talking about what to listen for in the music with musical examples.
- The opportunity to listen again with or without narration (and to realize just how much you’ve learned).
- A play-along, sing-along, or dance-along track. These are very creative and fun.
Maestro Classics on Pinterest
Are you following Maestro Classics on Pinterest? You’ll find lots of great music-related pins. Maestro Classics has pinboards with many general-education pins as well. Definitely worth following! Be sure to check out the Pinterest-related entries on the Rafflecopter form. There are even some optional entries you can make daily!
More about Maestro Classics
Products: In addition to individual CDS for $16.98 each and MP3 downloads for $9.98 each, check out the Complete Collection!
At the Maestro Classics site, you’ll find free educational materials.
There’s a Music & Life page with ideas for including music in your family life, whether or not you have music experience.
There’s a free Kids Club with more fun with music, puzzles and games, and activity book answers.
Along with Pinterest, you can follow Maestro Classics on Facebook and Twitter. (There’ll be optional entries for those on the Rafflecopter form.)
Now for the Giveaway:
What You Will Win: 1 very lucky winner worldwide will win the 11-MP3/PDF Collection with a value of approximately $110!!!
Who is Eligible:
This giveaway is open to anyone 18 and older worldwide. The first entry is mandatory. You must leave a blog post comment telling why you want to win the Maestro Classics 11-MP3/PDF Collection (and be sure to click the green “ENTER” on the Rafflecopter form to let me know you left your blog post comment and to open up the optional entries)!
After you’ve completed your mandatory entry, there are lots of optional entries. You have many chances to win! (Note: For the extra entries, you may count ways of following that you already do. For example, if you previously “liked” Living Montessori Now on Facebook, you may still count that for your “like” Living Montessori Now on Facebook entry!)
You must complete the Mandatory Entry to qualify for any additional entries. The giveaway closes 9:00pm PST on Thursday, June 12. Best of luck!
(Note: If you have any problems with the Rafflecopter form, you can sign up on the Rafflecopter form at the . Just be sure to leave your blog comment here! Both Rafflecopter forms are the same, so it doesn’t matter which one you sign up on.) a Rafflecopter giveaway
It’s Friday morning, June 13. I really appreciated all your comments and the 2,206 entries! A winner has been selected using through Rafflecopter!
The winner of the 11-MP3/PDF Collection from Maestro Classics is Cris of Aitana i Martí!
I’m so happy for Cris, who had multiple entries! (Note: Cris, you have 48 hours to respond to my email, or a new winner will be chosen.)
The comment for Cris’s mandatory entry (why she wanted to win the 11-MP3/PDF Collection) said:
“My children and I have the Peter and the Wolf CD and they love it, especially my youngest one, who is very much into sound. I’m sure they would enjoy this collection to the most.
CONGRATULATIONS, Cris!!! A HUGE THANK YOU to Maestro Classics for sponsoring this awesome giveaway – and thank you to everyone who entered!
Check out these great specials from Maestro Classics:
Until June 30, use code LIVINGMONTESSORINOW on Maestro Classics Store for $10 off any order over $39.00 (that would be any 4 MP3 downloads, or any 3 CDs, or combo of)!
Get a Juanita the Spanish Lobster CD (Spanish version) for $5 which comes with a FREE download of the English version of the CD – great for kids learning Spanish!
And, always, thanks so much to all my blog sponsors!
Montessori Print Shop Montessori Compass Montessori at Home Maestro Classics Spielgaben Natural Kids Team Practical and Independent Little People Alison’s Montessori
Linked with Contest Girl and Free Sweepstakes and Contests
I’m a former 3-6 montessori teacher. Now, I am homeschooling my two boys using the montessori method. But, know very little about music! I’d love to win because I need all the help I can get!!
I’ve never heard Mike Mulligan and His Steam, so I would be very interested in listening to it.
I would love to win this for my friends new born. Listening is the best approach to teach at a young age.
I’d love to share my love of music with my child by using this great program!
I would love to win the CD’s for my daughter! We love fairy tales and we like listening to music, we sometimes listen to classic music! So the combination of both would be perfect!
We are going on a roadtrip, and listening to these would be a great way to pass the time!
i want to win for my son <3
This would be a great compliment to our Composer of the month curriculum we are already using!
I would love to win this! I have it on my wishlist, but just haven’t had room in the budget for it yet. But I’d love for my children to not only have an appreciation for classical & orchestral music, but a desire to hear it!
I’d love to win this because it looks like such a valuable and engaging educational supplement.