My kids and I have been experimenting with creating healthy versions of recipes for years. In my post “Happy Families Can Have More Than One Diet,” I told about my husband’s and my vegetarian diet (for 38 years now) and our adult children’s lifelong vegetarian diet.
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Vegetarian and Vegan Recipe Posts
“Activity of the Week – Homemade Ice Cream Right Now! No Machine Required!” has a vegan version I discovered through experimenting. “Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes and Family Cookbook” has a vegan nut-loaf recipe and vegetarian fruit salad that have been part of my family’s favorite Thanksgiving meal.
Gluten-Free Recipe Experiments
My latest experiments have been with creating natural, gluten-free recipes. Although no one in my family has celiac disease, books such as Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health by William Davis, MD, give compelling reasons to try healthy, gluten-free recipes.
My adult daughter, Christina, in particular, might have a sensitivity to gluten. So, for a couple of months, Christina and I have been experimenting with gluten-free recipes. While some gluten-free flours are still unhealthy, we’ve especially tried to use brown-rice flour as a substitute for wheat flour. Christina seems to feel healthiest and has an extra glow when she eats natural, gluten-free foods.
Gluten-Free Chocolate Oat Bran Muffins
I’m a real fan of chocolate muffins (and chocolate anything!), so I’ve been working to create a healthy chocolate muffin. I do use regular oat bran, which might have a slight amount of gluten. You can find certified gluten-free oat bran.
To make the recipe both healthy and gluten-free, I used vegetable oil instead of butter, brown-rice flour instead of processed flours or whole wheat flour, honey instead of sugar, and unsweetened dark chocolate. Because I raised athletes, I like to add protein powder to baked goods. I typically use whey powder, although soy powder (and egg substitute) can be used for a vegan recipe. I use natural, vegan chocolate chips as well.
Here’s a printable recipe I created for natural, gluten-free, chocolate oat bran muffins.
To download recipe (without watermark), click here, then right click on the image and choose “Save Picture As . . .” (Note: If you’re wondering what scrapbooking software I used, check out my post about My Memories. I LOVE it … so quick and easy to use!)
Enjoy! And if you find a way to improve the recipe, please let me know! 🙂
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Mmmm! You had me at chocolate.
I’m glad you said that about oat bran because I was at the store looking for oatmeal and saw there was a gluten-free version and wondered just that thing (as in, wouldn’t oats already be gluten-free?).
I also need to check out that book you suggested, because I’ve been wondering why everyone’s gluten-shy recently. Thanks!
Thanks, Lauren! I wondered about the gluten-free fad, too, and the information in the book makes a lot of sense. Even though my husband and I aren’t gluten-intolerant, we figure it’s a good idea to eat gluten-free as often as possible. 🙂
Those brownies look delish! Is vegetable oil really healthier than butter? I’ve always heard that vegetable oil is just fat, and to sub olive oil for cooking and applesauce for baking. Babyfood applesauce is the smoothest, but it can affect the texture of breads especially.
I’m going to have to buy some chocolate and try this!
Thanks for your comment, MamaPsalmist! That’s a good question about vegetable oil. I’ve read that applesauce is definitely the best, but I’ve used vegetable oil that doesn’t have saturated fats instead of butter. I know that margarine isn’t recommended over butter. It would be interesting to read more about that, and I’d love to hear if someone tries the recipe with applesauce. 🙂
Thank you for sharing the Chocolate Oat Bran Muffin recipe!
We’re trying to move away from (so much) wheat in our diets at home. We’re not gluten-intolerant, but I think there is a lot of value in cutting down and cutting out gluten and wheat in general.
I can’t wait to try this recipe : )
Thanks so much, Ana! My husband and I are trying to do exactly what you’re doing. Even though we’ve been into natural foods for years, it’s interesting that all the information about gluten-free diets is just really starting to become popular now. 🙂
Those look SO good (and your daughter is beautiful)! I was so nervous to cook when Amy of Anktangle visited for a week, b/c she is GF, but it was easier than I thought! I’m sure a gluten detox would do us all good now and then!
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Dionna … Christina will love to hear that! 🙂 I agree that a gluten detox would be good for everyone on occasion!
Oh I’m so trying that recipe! Now that I’m cooking more I want to try more vegan and vegetarian fare. I think we forget that you don’t have to “be” vegan to eat it. Thanks for the post!
Thanks for your comment, Paige! So true that you don’t have to “be” vegan to eat it. I eat mainly vegan five days a week and love it! 🙂
We’ve wondered on and off if my son has a gluten sensitivity, since he definitely has an oat sensitivity (only toddler I know who can’t eat Cheerios!). Of course, this rules out the oat bran muffins at our house, but thanks for some other great links!
Thanks for your comment, CatholicMommy! An oat sensitivity would make things harder. You should be able to substitute flour for the oat bran in this recipe. I actually substituted oat bran for part of the flour to add to the heart-health benefits. 🙂
I have also been trying to reduce our intake of gluten even though nobody in the family seems to outwardly suffer from intolerance. I haven’t always had much luck – for some reason, the gluten free flours that we have tried leave me feeling really bloated. I’m going to try baking those oat bran muffins with my boys.
Thanks for your comment, Syenna! I hope you have good luck with these! 🙂
Ooo, yum! THANK YOU for the muffin recipe!
And what vegetable oil do you use for baking, may I ask?
Thanks, Rachael! I typically use Canola oil in baking (olive oil in cooking) because of its reputation as a healthy oil, although I think there are a number of different opinions about vegetable oils. I haven’t researched vegetable oils lately, so that would be a good topic to study more. 🙂
I didn’t realize you were vegetarian, Deb! I knew I liked you 😉 Your recipe sounds delicious, and I love that your adult children are still up for spending time with you in the kitchen. I loved the family photo!
The (comments) discussion about oils is interesting, as I get so frustrated with the conflicting information out there – especially about canola oil. I have switched to using Coconut Oil in all of my baking (although I do love Earth Balance – but I don’t think it’s the best for me!), and it has worked great for us so far. I’m sure some new research will come out that will change my mind before long!
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Melissa! We really do have family fun together in the kitchen still … and I think it’s great that my adult kids never wanted to even try eating meat.
I’ve heard of people using coconut oil. I definitely should try that! Nutrition is such a tricky and ever-changing topic! 🙂
What an information packed post. And of course I’ll have to try the chocolate muffins just to see if they are healthy. Ha! I’m eager to check out all the natural parenting links, too.
Have a joyful day,
Thanks so much, Pamela! I hope you have a joyful day, too! 🙂
Congrats on being the #4 most clicked post on Mommy Solutions last week! These recipes rocks! If you haven’t linked up anything new, yet, stop in the linky is hoppin’!
Thanks for sharing, Crystal.
Thanks so much Crystal! It’s awesome that my post was the #4 most clicked post! I already linked up for this week! 🙂
My friend has allergy from gluten. I shared your muffin recipe with him. He liked it so much.
Thanks for sharing