I love to prepare extensions for the Montessori hundred board. The hundred board is a great material, but I think it’s even greater when fun, hands-on extensions, such as this 100 ducks hundred board, are added.
My latest DIY hundred board extension is an activity for counting 100 ducks to go with our current duckling theme. It was a total hit with my 4-year-old granddaughter, Zoey!
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links (at no cost to you).
I like to use the traditional Montessori hundred board (either purchased or DIY) and presentation first, and then add creative 100 board extensions to add interest.
Materials Used for Montessori Hundred Board Extension of Counting 100 Ducks
DIY Montessori Hundred Board Extension with Basket of 100 Ducks
- Free Printable Hundreds Board/Hundreds Chart Large (printed at 75%) by Jessica Stanley at Teachers Pay Teachers
- 100-Pack Mini Rubber Ducks
- Foam core board (poster board would also work)
- X-acto knife
- Glue Stick – for making the DIY hundred board
- Montessori Services Basket (I use this for many activities.)
- Lamination if you wish
How to Prepare the Counting 100 Ducks Hundred Board
This was amazingly easy.
- If you print out the hundreds board at 100%, it’ll have 2″ squares. I wanted 1.5″ squares, so I printed mine at 75%. That worked perfectly.
- Cut out the printed pages.
- Laminate the pages if you wish. (I didn’t.)
- Then you simply need to cut out foam core board backing the same size as the printable and glue the printable pieces together to make a large hundred board.
I love that this can be used to count a variety of objects for a hundred board extension for different themes and seasons! It can also be used as a 100th Day of School activity!
Presenting the Counting 100 Ducks Hundred Board
Completing Duck Hundred Board – Counting Ducks to 100
Zoey was in love with the mini ducks! I simply told Zoey that she could count the ducks to 100. She didn’t need any extra direction. She loves showing how she can count to 100, so she counted each duck as she placed it on the appropriate square. (You could could the ducks together with a child who is still becoming comfortable with counting to 100.)
This is a simple variation that reinforces the concept of counting to 100. It’s easy to place the ducks on the hundred board, so the child doesn’t need to slow down a lot to count to 100.
Other Extensions for the Montessori Hundred Board
Free Songs about 100 {Free Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time}
Montessori-Inspired 100th Day of School Activities
100th Day Activities – Free Printable Extensions for the Hundred Board
A number of my themed posts have hundred chart art (something I love).
More Duckling Resources and Activities
- Free Duckling Printables and Montessori-Inspired Duckling Activities
- Free Make Way for Ducklings Do-a-Dot Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- The Best Duck and Duckling Books for Kids
I’d love to hear about your favorite hundred board extension! 🙂
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Another great printable. You should consider submitting this here too: http://www.himama.com/early-education-nation