Who would think that studying about the human brain could be so much fun?! Combining hands-on brain activities with growth mindset books and activities has been perfect! My 4½-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, has enjoyed all the books and activities we’ve used in our brain and growth mindset unit so far. So have I!
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Montessori Shelves with Brain-Themed Activities
Montessori Book Basket and Shelves with Brain-Themed Books and Activities
These are my Montessori shelves where I first put activities for our brain unit. You’ll also find Montessori-inspired brain numbers, letters, and and more (part of my subscriber freebie pack, so just sign up for my email to get the link and password … or check the bottom of your latest newsletter if you’re already a subscriber)
Making a Brain Hemisphere Hat (shown on the lower right shelf)
Free Printable: Brain Hemisphere Hat from Ellen Mchenry’s Basement Workshop (This was designed for ages 10-14, but it can be adapted for a variety of ages.)
You really just need the free printable, scissors, and tape to make a brain hemisphere hat. There’s a color version or a black and white version that your child can color. Because we had a limited time for the activity, I chose the color version.
There are a variety of ways to make this, depending on the age of your child. For a preschooler, you might want to cut out the hat beforehand and have your child help tape the hat together. Many preschoolers could also cut in on the solid “v” lines before taping.
The brain hemisphere hat is quite easy to assemble for an older child or adult or for a preschooler and adult working together.
Identifying Parts of the Brain on a Brain Hemisphere Hat
While 5½-month-old Caleb took a nap in the carrier, my daughter, Christina, explained the parts on the brain hemisphere hat to Zoey while Zoey’s sister (8½-month-old Sophia) watched. Zoey has the lovely National Geographic Kids’ Ultimate Bodypedia open on her lap in the photo.
Montessori Brain Cards and Book from Montessori Print Shop
If you’d like some high-quality, inexpensive Montessori materials to introduce parts of the brain, check out the brain nomenclature cards and book from Montessori Print Shop.
Tray with Parts of the Brain Puzzle and Identification
Tray with Parts of the Brain Puzzle and Labeling
Free Printables: Brain Puzzle and Brain Center Learning Materials from The Crafty Classroom
This was amazingly easy to prepare, yet is colorful and appealing to young children. It’s a great way to reinforce initial reading and work on parts of the brain. You could have a control page for the puzzle, but I placed it on the tray so that the printed page could be the control even though it’s too small for the child to build the puzzle right on it. For a younger child, I would have a printed control page the same size as the actual puzzle. I just printed the puzzle on cardstock, although you could always trace around the parts on felt to make a felt puzzle if you prefer.
I printed out the page that’s shown in quarter size and made a small control chart for the labeling activity.
Working with Parts of the Brain Puzzle and Labels
Wearing a Brain Hemisphere Hat While Working with Parts of the Brain Puzzle and Labels
In addition to the parts of the brain puzzle and labeling activity, Zoey has How Does Your Brain Work? open on the table. It’s a simple book with lots of easily understood information about the brain. On the shelf behind her is Not Yet, a book about an important growth mindset concept, and Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, an awesome book about the brain and growth mindset.
More Fun with the Brain Hemisphere Hat
Having Fun with Brain Hemisphere Hats
Zoey thought that Sophia needed a brain hemisphere hat, too, so we put a second one together!
Free Brain and Growth Mindset Printables and Montessori-Inspired Brain Activities
You’ll find more of the brain printables and activities we used in this post.
Free Growth Mindset Printables for Kids and Adults
At Bits of Positivity, I have lots and lots of free growth mindset printables for kids and adults.
More Growth Mindset Resources at Bits of Positivity
In addition to a long list of inspiring growth mindset quotes, you’ll find a number of word-art freebies (which I add to whenever I publish another one) in my best growth mindset quotes for kids and adults.
You’ll find lots of inspiring- and character-building songs in my free growth mindset songs for kids post.
Both kids and adults can gain a lot of growth mindset inspiration from famous failures.
I’m adding more growth mindset resources each week at Bits of Positivity during this unit study.
More Anatomy Activities and Resources
- Montessori-Inspired Heart and Circulatory System Activities
- Montessori-Inspired Skeleton Activities
- “All About Me” Free Printables and Activities for Back to School
- Handwashing Activities for Kids – Free Songs and Lessons
- Free Skeleton Printables and Montessori-Inspired Skeleton Activities
- Hands-on Fun with Montessori-Inspired Human Skeleton Activities
- Human Body Unit Study Pinterest Board
I hope you have as much fun studying the brain as we’ve had!
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy! I’m also one of the coauthors of the book Learn with Play – 150+ Activities for Year-round Fun & Learning!
The Montessori at Home! eBook and Montessori at Home! eBook and Materials Bundle are AMAZING resources! You can learn more about them here. Buy them in the Living Montessori Now shop.
If this is your first time visiting Living Montessori Now, welcome! If you haven’t already, please join us on our Living Montessori Now Facebook page where you’ll find a Free Printable of the Day and lots of inspiration and ideas for parenting and teaching! And please follow me on Pinterest (lots of Montessori-, holiday-, and theme-related boards), Twitter (blog posts by me and others along with the Parent/Teacher Daily and other interesting information), and Google+ (post updates). You can find me on bloglovin’, Instagram, and YouTube now, too.
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I am writing my latest book on self-regulation and would love to include your image of the child which is entitled ”WORKING WITH PARTS OF THE BRAIN PUZZLE AND LABELS”. Please may I have permission? I will of course also fully credit Montessori for adopting such as forward-thinking approach to teaching children about their brains.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Thank you for asking, Dr. Conkbayir. You have my permission as long as you credit LivingMontessoriNow.com. Yes, Montessori is an amazingly forward-thinking approach! Deb Chitwood