If your family enjoys Dr. Seuss books, you might like to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s March 2 birthday with a mini unit or unit during late-February through March.
I don’t share Dr. Seuss books with babies, but I’ve already had lots of fun with Dr. Seuss activities with my 4-year-old granddaughter, Zoey. Zoey’s so excited about learning to read and loves the Montessori movable alphabet. So this year, our Dr. Seuss activities are focused on both reading Dr. Seuss words and spelling with the movable alphabet.
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Resources Used for Dr. Seuss and Movable Alphabet Activities
Shelves with Dr. Seuss Books and Figures Plus the Montessori Movable Alphabet
- Dr. Seuss Figures (I used Cat in the Hat, Sam I Am, Fox in Socks, Grinch, and Max the Dog)
- Free Printables from Seussville (I used printables titled My Tricks, Hat Toss, Rainy Day Fun, Time for Eggs, This or That?, Pup and Cup, I Can Read, Opposites, and Yots)
- Small Movable Alphabet (I have the movable alphabet from Alison’s Montessori, which I love. You can also get a movable alphabet from Amazon or make your own.)
- Baskets for Objects and Pictures from Montessori Services
- Dr. Seuss Books (I’m featuring Hop on Pop, The Cat in the Hat, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, Green Eggs and Ham, Fox in Socks, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.)
Note: When deciding which materials to purchase for a unit or mini unit at home, I consider the interest and potential use a material may or may not get. Since we’ve always loved Dr. Seuss books, we have a library of them, including most from when my kids were little. Because Zoey loves mini figures so much, I knew the Dr. Seuss figures would get a lot of use. We’ll use them for Dr. Seuss birthday activities each year, and they’ll be fun for story baskets.
Zoey also thinks they’re perfect for baths! We’ve even done some spelling in the bathtub with the Dr. Seuss figures and foam letters. My foam letters have a magnetic backing (which is great for the refrigerator and magnetic boards), but we also like to spell words with them on the bathtub ledge.
If that wouldn’t be the case for your family, you can easily skip the figures and just print out some free Dr. Seuss printables. There are strict copyright rules for Dr. Seuss printables, so I like to print out the ones directly from Seussville.
Dr. Seuss Figures with Movable Alphabet
Reading Dr Seuss Words after Spelling Them with the Movable Alphabet
Zoey was proud of herself for spelling the names of the Dr. Seuss figures. When she was finished spelling the words, she read them all.
Note: Don’t worry if your child can use the movable alphabet to spell words and not be able to read them. It’s natural for children to be able to spell the words first. Also, you don’t need to worry about capitalization and punctuation. There are Montessori lessons for teaching those later.
Dr. Seuss Pictures with Movable Alphabet (Movable Alphabet with Words, Phrases, and Sentences)
There are a number of fun words, phrases, and sentences you can write using free printables from Seussville. Here are some examples:
Dr Seuss Pictures and Words “Cat in the Hat” Spelled with the Montessori Movable Alphabet
Of course, you have to have the Cat in the Hat!
Dr Seuss Pictures and Prepositional Phrases Using Pup and Cup with the Montessori Movable Alphabet
Dr. Seuss pup and cup prepositional phrases are just a lot of fun as well as being a great way to focus on prepositions. You’ll find more ideas using objects in my post “Dr. Seuss with a Touch of Montessori.”
Dr Seuss Pictures and Sentences about Pat with Montessori Movable Alphabet
The Pat series is a silly, fun way for kids to do some beginning work with sentences!
All My Dr. Seuss Resources
Dr. Seuss with a Touch of Montessori
Montessori-Inspired Dr. Seuss Activities
Montessori-Inspired One Fish, Two Fish Math Activities Using Free Printables
Montessori-Inspired Lorax Activities
Cat in the Hat Practical Life Activities
50+ Montessori-Inspired Dr. Seuss Activities
30+ Dr. Seuss Inspired Phonics Activities
{Dr. Seuss Inspired} Cat in the Hat Sensory Bin
Free Apple Printable for Ten Apples Up On Top Activities (Instant Download)
Ten Apples Up On Top Sensory Bin & Table (Free Printables)
Ten Apples Up On Top Activities with Spielgaben {Free Printables}
And for Dr. Seuss activities of all kinds, don’t miss my Dr. Seuss Unit Study Board with over a million followers!
Follow Deb @ Living Montessori Now’s board Dr. Seuss Unit Study on Pinterest.
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
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