Earlier this month, I wrote about free homeschooling sites and resources. I was especially emphasizing unit studies. I have some more resources that I simply must share with you. These resources offer more free help for your unit studies.
We used KONOS unit studies during elementary and high school. KONOS is absolutely wonderful but isn’t free. If I were homeschooling today, I would still use KONOS for its overall plan, creative and organized resources, and emphasis on character traits for each unit. Then I would add some activities from the free homeschooling sites to fit in with each unit.
Interactive sites and online videos add another dimension to any unit study. And it is definitely possible to create your own unit study entirely from the free homeschooling sites available online. Here are some more wonderful free homeschooling sites that are especially helpful for unit studies.
My Free Online Education
I found e-Learning for Kids with K-6 courses ranging from health science subjects to math activities to computer skills.
I was focusing on presidents and money this week because of Presidents’ Day in the U.S., and I found a link to George Washington’s World for Kids with lots of information about George Washington, including a 3-D Animated Mount Vernon. I also found Have Fun with History with its many resources about presidents and innumerable history topics.
American Montessori Consulting (AMC)
AMC has unit studies in a number of topics which can be used for creating Montessori unit studies. Check the links in the left sidebar. For example, since February is also heart month, AMC’s The Human Cardiovascular System would be another natural unit study for a Montessori homeschool or any other type of homeschool.
Learning Ideas Grades K-8 and Gamequarium
In the Living Montessori Now Community, each community member’s blog posts show up in the community blog feed. I’ve featured Learning Ideas Grades K-8 before as a great source of monthly theme activities. Anyway, one of Learning Ideas Grades K-8 blog posts on sound energy that came through the community blog feed had a link to a Magic School Bus video at the site Gamequarium – “The Site That Swims with Learning Fun!”
If you haven’t already discovered Gamequarium, it has links to numerous games and activities, videos, eBooks, printables, and teacher resources. You could easily search the resources at Gamequarium for activities, interactives, and videos to fit in with a particular unit study.
I love unit studies –they help subjects come to life and make learning enjoyable. And they’re more accessible than ever. Have fun!
My other homeschooling resource posts on Thursdays this February:
Montessori 3-6 Homeschool Tips and Download
5ennie says
Great links, thanks! I will definitely check them out.
Deb says
Thanks, 5ennie! I hope you find some activities that are perfect for your family!
Home School Village says
this is GREAT info Deb – thanks for sharing and linking it up to the HSV!
Deb says
Thanks, Stef! I love linking up at HSV – always something awesome going on there!
Jennifer says
Thank you for more great resources to check out!
Deb says
Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind comment, Jennifer!
Brynn says
Hi Deb,
I am still on the fence about whether or not I would make a great homeschooling parent candidate. I love the model and really do feel inspired to build a bit more into our home-play time.
Thanks so much for taking the time to compile all of the resources and links that you did; I am sure that homeschooling-pre-internet must have been an altogether different world. Thanks for providing us Mamas with young ones still such a depth and breadth of experience!
Deb says
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Brynn! Homeschooling pre-Internet was definitely a different experience. It wasn’t nearly as easy to find resources, but then again I didn’t have to balance family time with time on the Internet! Wishing you the best of luck in finding which educational path is perfect for your family!
Traci says
I homeschool my children just as you did! I thought I was crazy for not seeing the point in giving weekly tests! I know whether or not my children are learning by the work they perform and other piece of information. It’s good to know that I’m not the only homeschooling mom that uses gentle discipline, even though I never thought of it as a method! I feel really good about the way I have been raising and schooling my children after reading your site!
Thank you!!
Deb says
Thanks so much for your kind comment, Traci! I’m so glad I was able to encourage you – it did work wonderfully for my family!
Lesa McMahon says
I am so very honored to have my blog featured in your post. Helping other homeschoolers is a passion of mine and it thrills me to no end to know that the resources that I find and share will now help more people. Thanks so much. 🙂
Deb says
You’re very welcome, Lesa! I love your site and was happy to feature the wonderful work you do! Thanks for all the awesome resources you share! 🙂
JDaniel4's Mom says
You always have an amazing list of resources!
Stopping from Mom Loop!
Deb says
Thanks so much! Have a great weekend!:)
Amy says
Thanks so much for all the links. They are truly appreciated!
Deb says
You’re welcome – and thanks for your comment, Amy! I had a lot of fun finding the resources, and I love to share!
Shannon says
Wow- these links are invaluable! I am planning to homeschool preschool starting this coming fall, so I am bookmarking this post. I’m looking to incorporate Montessori concepts and your blog is becoming a fave!
PS.Hey- stopping by from Mom Loop Follow- sorry I’m late!
Deb says
Thanks for your very kind comment, Shannon! I LOVE Montessori homeschooling and always have a lot of posts about that! Have fun! 🙂
Lesa McMahon says
I just want to let you know that I’ve moved Free K-12 Education to a new site… http://www.myfreeonlineeducation.com/
Deb says
Thanks so much for letting me know, Lesa! I somehow missed when your comment went through my email. I just found it today, and I’ve updated the links in the post! Have a great rest of the weekend! 🙂
Jessica Fuller says
These are some very helpful links! I have been going back and forth on wanting to do Unit study with my 4 year old and my mom (public preschool teacher for 30 years) keeps pushing the Montessori method. It is nice to know that they can so easily go hand in hand!
Deb says
Thanks so much, Jessica! It’s true that Montessori and unit studies can go together very well. My recent posts have lots of links to unit studies Montessori bloggers have done! 🙂