Becoming politically aware is probably more important now than ever. For children to become engaged citizens, it helps for them to learn about our government from a young age. Every Star Is Different has some Montessori U.S. president printables that are perfect for teaching preschoolers through elementary-age kids about U.S. presidents, vice presidents, and first ladies.
Disclosure: I’ve been given a copy of these materials to review. My opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links (at no cost to you).
I’ve loved all the materials I’ve used from Every Star Is Different.
Here are the Fabulous U.S. President Printables Available from Every Star Is Different:
The Montessori-Inspired U.S. Presidents Bundle has 312 pages of resources in 4 individual packs: U.S. Presidents for Preschoolers Printable Pack, U.S. Presidents Printable Pack, U.S. Vice Presidents Printable Pack, and U.S. First Ladies Nomenclature Cards. Sometimes the printable packs are available as a bundle whereas most of the time they’re available individually only. Go through the link to get the individual packs (or the bundle when it’s available.)
U.S. Presidents for Preschoolers Printable Pack
- Designed for children who are learning letters, numbers, shapes, etc., but are not able to read yet.
- Includes multiple activities about U.S. money.
- Focuses on current president as well as a few past presidents. (Does not include resources about all U.S. presidents.)
Montessori Shelf with U.S. President Materials and Books
Here, you can see a shelf I prepared with two fun books: Sofia Valdez, Future Prez and If I Ran for President along with printables from the Montessori-Inspired U.S. Presidents Printable Pack for Preschoolers and My Book of American Presidents from the Montessori-Inspired U.S. Presidents Printable Pack.
There are lots of great money printables in the pack!
Sorting Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters by President
Here’s my 3-year-old granddaughter, Sophia, sorting pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters by president. This work was perfect for both Sophia and almost-3-year-old-Caleb.
I also have an activity cutting paper money that I put on the shelf. I’m sure that will be very popular!
For older kids, there’s a an activity using skip counting with pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters (shown on the shelf above).
Discussing Vehicles Used by U.S. Presidents after Matching the Nomenclature Cards
Caleb is obsessed with vehicles, and he enjoyed matching the Vehicles Used by U.S. Presidents Nomenclature Cards. In the photo, you can see him discussing presidential vehicles!
(Note: Typically for toddlers, they simply match the two photo parts of the nomenclature cards. I included the descriptions on the control card because it helped me have the information available, and it didn’t interfere with Caleb’s ability to match the vehicles. For home use, it’s fine to use printables in other ways than the traditional Montessori layouts.)
I typically rotate books and materials on the shelf for a mini unit. You’ll notice that The Little Book of Government is on the shelf behind Caleb in this photo. I also have The Little Book of Presidential Elections that we’re using for our president study.
U.S. Presidents Printable Pack
- Designed to help children identify and understand each of the U.S. presidents in as many ways as possible.
- Includes activities about all U.S. presidents.
- Provides a fun factual history of each president that includes where they stand on topics such as slavery, civil rights, women’s rights, Indigenous People’s rights, the environment and more that has been designed by kids
I had researched president books that were updated through President Biden, but I was hesitant to buy a book that would become outdated relatively soon. Then I found that this pack has the perfect solution … My Book of American Presidents. Each page has a large photo of the president on the left with both important and interesting facts on the right. One of my favorite things about the printables from Every Star Is Different is that they’re so well researched. They save me hours and hours and hours of research.
I love that Every Star Is Different made the pack more diverse and inclusive by including as much as possible about where each U.S. president stood on issues about slavery, civil rights, women’s rights, Indigenous People, the environment, and more. And when a pack is updated, everyone who purchased the pack from the Every Star Is Different shop automatically gets the update. It doesn’t matter if the pack or bundle was purchased through an affiliate link. It’s so much better than having to buy a new book every time there’s a major change!
At Every Star Is Different, you’ll find a blog post with great hands-on president activities for elementary learners. There’s also a free printable!
U.S. Vice Presidents Printable Pack
- Designed for Montessori preschool and elementary children.
- Provides activities for your learners specific to our Vice President Kamala Harris.
- Includes nomenclature cards for all U.S. vice presidents that are designed for use with U.S. presidents nomenclature cards.
Studying the Vice President Nomenclature Cards After Laying Them out in Order
Here’s my 7-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, studying the U.S. vice presidents after laying out the vice president nomenclature cards in order. You’ll notice that I didn’t have her match them like the traditional 3-part card layout. I vary layouts often to add interest and focus on specific ideas.
Here, I wanted to especially show how historically significant Vice President Kamala Harris is. Zoey was fascinated to see that there was only one woman … and she’s both part Black and part Asian! That’s so inspiring for a girl, especially a multicultural girl like Zoey! Zoey spontaneously picked up and read Kamala Harris’s book Superheroes Are Everywhere right after studying the Vice Presidents.
Then Zoey asked me if I had popsicle sticks. (I was a traditional preschool teacher, then a Montessori teacher, and then a homeschooler, so of course I did!) Zoey asked me to copy a few of the vice president pictures. She cut out the heads and used the popsicle sticks to make bodies. She gave them as gifts to her relatives. Such a sweet way to extend her work!
U.S. First Ladies Nomenclature Cards
- Designed for use with U.S. presidents nomenclature cards.
- Includes information about how each first lady is related to each U.S. president.
- Provides details as to how many first ladies each U.S. resident had.
These are great for matching first ladies with presidents.
This is an amazing bundle with many printables for a wide variety of ages. The printables are designed to be non-partisan. While there are some activities specifically about President Biden and Vice President Harris, you’ll find more than enough great president, vice president, and first lady printables regardless of your political affiliation.
My Reviews of Montessori Printables from Every Star Is Different
After the gallery has loaded, you can see all my posts with reviews of Every Star Is Different printables. Just click on an image to go to that post!
You can see all my reviews of Every Star Is Different Printables with slightly larger cover images here.
You can see all the products in the Every Star Is Different shop here.
Thanks for being so awesome!
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
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