It’s easy to acknowledge that we need more peace in our world, but it can be hard to know how to promote it best. As parents, grandparents, caregivers, and teachers, we need to help promote peace for the next generation. As Maria Montessori said, “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.”
One of the best ways to promote peace is to help children respect all people, regardless of culture or belief. Last year, we spent a month with a peace unit. I want to let you know about some wonderful holidays around the world resources that can teach about other cultures, develop academic skills, and, most importantly, promote peace. They’ve even been expanded since last year!
Disclosure: Disclosure: I’ve been given a copy of these materials to review. My opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links (at no cost to you).
I’ve loved all the materials I’ve used from Every Star Is Different and Trillium Montessori.
If you’re looking for individual printable packs for each upcoming holiday, you’ll find them in the following list:
Diwali: October 31, 2024
1. Montessori-inspired Diwali Printable Pack
Hanukkah: Sunset of December 25, 2024 -January 2, 2025
1. Montessori-inspired Hanukkah Printable Pack
2. Montessori-inspired Hanukkah Printable Pack II (published in 2019)
St. Nicholas Day: December 6
1. Montessori-inspired St. Nicholas Day Printable Pack (published in 2019)
Santa Lucia Day (St. Lucia Day): December 13
1. Scandinavian Christmas Mini Bundle (published in 2021)
Las Posadas: December 16- 24
1. Montessori-inspired Las Posadas Printable Pack (published in 2019)
Winter Solstice and Christmas: December 21 and 25
1. Montessori-inspired Winter Holidays Around the World
Christmas: December 25
1. Montessori-inspired Christmas Themed Language Bundle in Print
2. Montessori-inspired Christmas Themed Language Bundle in Cursive (published in 2019)
3. Montessori-inspired Christmas Botany Printable Pack
4. Montessori-inspired Religious Christmas Printable Pack
5. Montessori-inspired Gingerbread Printable Pack
6. Montessori-inspired Nutcracker Printable Pack
7. Montessori-inspired Deer Printable Pack (published in 2019)
Kwanzaa: December 26-January 1
1. Montessori-inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack
2. Montessori-inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack II (published in 2019)
Three Kings Day: January 6
1. Montessori-inspired Three Kings Day Printable Pack (published in 2019)
Ramadan: Evening of Fri, Feb 28, 2025 – Sun, Mar 30, 2025
Montessori-inspired Ramadan Printable Pack (from Every Star Is Different)
Ramadan Mini Unit (from Trillium Montessori)
Montessori-inspired Christmas Bundle – New in 2022
2022 Christmas Bundle at Every Star Is Different
- Montessori-inspired Santa Printable Pack
- Montessori-inspired Christmas Reindeer Printable Pack
- Montessori-inspired Christmas Skip Counting Printable Pack
Montessori-inspired Santa Printable Pack
- Focuses on vocabulary related to Santa’s attire and accessories
- Provides opportunities to focus on beginning, intermediate, and advanced language skills through reading, writing, and spelling
- Includes comparison, odd and even, greater than/less than, addition, subtraction, and measurement activities related to math
Montessori-inspired Christmas Reindeer Printable Pack
- Inspired by the story of everyone’s favorite reindeer
- Includes activities about numbers, counting and sequencing
- Focuses on vocabulary development and reading skills
Montessori-inspired Christmas Skip Counting Printable Pack
- Uses popular Christmas objects as counters and controls for all activities
- Includes multiple activities to practice and master skip counting of every number through 10
- Provides opportunities for ALL children to learn skip counting, no matter their skills or abilities
New Scandinavian Christmas Mini Bundle in 2021!
Scandinavian Christmas Printable Pack
Scandinavian Christmas Printable Pack Table of Contents:
▪ Scandinavian Flag Nomenclature Cards
▪ Scandinavian Flag Writing Strips
▪ Scandinavian Christmas Sweater Match Up
▪ Scandinavian Christmas Nomenclature Cards
▪ Scandinavian Christmas Description Cards
▪ 13 Santas of Iceland Nomenclature Description Cards
▪ Scandinavian Christmas Food Nomenclature Cards
A Kid’s Guide to Scandinavia and Finland Book with Scandinavian Geography and Christmas Activities
A Kid’s Guide to Scandinavia and Finland has lots of information about the Nordic countries. There are materials for preschool through elementary in the Scandinavian Christmas Printable Pack, and these activities can be adapted for multiple ages. For a homeschool, you could have a group activity with your oldest doing the more difficult parts and younger children doing simpler tasks.
I like to use a globe with the book to introduce the Nordic countries. I appreciate that the flags of each country are included in the printable pack, too.
This activity uses the Scandinavian Christmas nomenclature cards and description cards. You can just use the nomenclature cards with preschoolers, although I like to have the description cards available for my information! each card shows the name in the country’s language, the name in English, and the country where each image is traditionally seen. There are 3 photos of the gnome, showing the variety of names according to country.
Santa Lucia’s Day Printable Pack
Santa Lucia’s Day Printable Pack Table of Contents:
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Nomenclature Cards
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Description Cards
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Writing Strips
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Sentence Grammar Activity without Pictures
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Sentence Grammar Activity with Pictures
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Sentence Challenges
▪ Saffron Bun Directions Sequencing Activity
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Numbers & Counting Nomenclature Cards
▪ Santa Lucia’s Day Numbers & Counting Clip Cards
▪ Saffron Bun Subtraction Clip Cards
▪ Ginger Snap Multiplication Clip Cards
▪ Santa Lucia Song Melody Sheet Music
All activities with the words “Santa Lucia” are duplicated three times to include all options.
1. Saint Lucy (English Translation)
2. Santa Lucia
3. Sankta Lucia
Montessori-Style Santa Lucia’s Day Activities
I’m using My First Book About Sweden – Min Första Bok Om Sverige: A children’s picture guide to Swedish culture, traditions and fun (My First Swedish Words) to introduce Santa Lucia’s Day (using a few of the printables from the Santa Lucia’s Day Printable Pack). I’m also using Santa’s Christmas Tomtens jul: A bilingual Swedish Christmas counting book – En tvåspråkig räknebok på svenska och engelska (My First Swedish Words) by the same author.
I also like There are materials for preschool through elementary in the mini bundle, and I typically use a mixture of preschool and elementary materials with my 3¾-8-year-old grandkids.
I’m also using the Saint Lucy’s Day nomenclature cards and description cards, which I made into a booklet. Of course, we need to use our continents map and a traditional globe to learn more about Sweden. And, for my 8-year-old granddaughter, I love the grammar materials that are part of the Santa Lucia Printable Pack! There are 8 different sentences that can be used to study grammar! This photo just shows 2 options.
Yule Goat Pintable Pack
Yule Goat Pintable Pack Table of Contents:
▪ Yule Goat Do-a-dot Pages
▪ Yule Goat Writing Strips
▪ Yule Goat Nomenclature Cards
▪ Yule Goat Description Cards
▪ Norse Mythology Nomenclature Cards
▪ Norse Mythology Description Cards
▪ Parts of a Goat Nomenclature Cards
▪ Goat Noun Gender Match Up
▪ Goat Skip Counting Activity
▪ Which is the Same Yule Goat Activity
▪ Which is the Different Yule Goat Activity
▪ Yule Goat Measuring Activity
▪ Straw Ornaments Addition Clip Cards
Tomte and Nisse Printable Pack
Tomte and Nisse Printable Pack Table of Contents:
▪ Tomte Do-a-dot Pages
▪ Tomte Writing Strips
▪ Tomte/Nisse Picture & Description Match Up
▪ Farm Animals Nomenclature Cards
▪ Farm Animals First Letter Sound Clip Cards
▪ Farm Animal Syllable Counting Clip Cards
▪ Baby Farm Animals Nomenclature Cards
You’ll also get the Every Star Is Different Gingerbread Printable Pack as a bonus.
Again, Every Star Is Different’s awesome Scandinavian Christmas Mini Bundle is new for 2021!
Original Montessori-Inspired Holidays Around the World Materials Published in 2018
Note: I’m sharing these materials published in 2018 in the order the holidays typically occur, starting with fall.
The materials are designed for preschoolers through early elementary, although some of the printables work for upper elementary as well.
Montessori-Inspired Diwali Pack
Montessori-Inspired Diwali Printable Pack includes:
- Days of Diwali Nomenclature Cards
- Days of Diwali Picture and Description Match Up Cards
- Diwali Vocabulary Nomenclature Cards
- Diwali Vocabulary Picture and Description Match Up Cards
- The Story of Diwali Nomenclature Cards
- The Story of Diwali Picture and Description Match Up Cards
- The Story of Diwali Book Activity
- Diwali Dessert Nomenclature Cards
- Diwali Dessert Picture and Description Match Up Cards
- Diya Addition Clip Cards
- Diya Count By 5s Activity
- Diya Outlines
The Diwali pack:
- Introduces children to Hinduism in ways that are understandable
- Teaches children about the five days of Diwali
- All pictures are either true to life or beautiful artwork that portrays deity in a respectful way.
Montessori Shelf with Diwali Books and Activities
I prepared a simple Montessori Diwali shelf with two activities and two books to introduce Diwali to preschoolers or kindergarteners.
The pack focuses on the Hindu holiday of Diwali. Hats of Faith focuses on Sikh head coverings rather than Hindu ones. Since Sikhs also celebrate Diwali, I included that book. I love the respectful words of the first page: “Many religious people share the custom of covering their heads to show their love for God.” That’s such a great way to help young children begin to understand and accept differences in people they encounter.
The Usborne Flap Book See Inside World Religions talks about both Hindus and Sikhs celebrating Diwali.
I included the Montessori continents globe and an activity making the flag of India (using the Diwali Picture card of the flag and a cut-off straw) as well as the Diwali Picture and Description Match Up Cards. For preschoolers, you can simply use the 3-part cards without the descriptions.
In these photos, I’m only sharing a fraction of the materials included in each pack … just what I’m using immediately. I’ll be able to use the materials in a variety of ways for many years!
December Holidays Around the World
December Holidays Around the World Books and Activities
I used holidays around the world reference books and materials from the Hanukkah, Religious Christmas, and Kwanzaa packs to prepare activities about the main December holidays for my 5-year-old granddaughter, Zoey.
I love DK books and appreciate the photos and child-friendly way Children Just Like Me: Celebrations! introduces a variety of cultures. National Geographic books are some of my favorite nonfiction books, so I’m excited that they have a series of National Geographic Kids Holidays Around the World books. For December holidays, I have their Celebrate Hanukkah, Celebrate Christmas, and Celebrate Kwanzaa books. I’m also using Lights of Winter: Winter Celebrations Around the World.
Montessori-inspired Hanukkah Pack
The 73-page Montessori-Inspired Hanukkah Printable Pack includes:
- First letter sound coloring page
- Hanukkah Nomenclature Cards
- Hanukkah Syllable Counting Clip Cards
- Hanukkah First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Hanukkah Picture and Definition Match Up Cards
- Famous Jewish Historical Sites in the Holy Land Nomenclature Cards
- Famous Jewish Historical Sites in the Holy Land Picture and Description Match Up
- The Story of the First Hanukkah Cutting and Pasting Activity
- Gelt Addition Clip Cards
- Menorah Subtraction Clip Cards
- Latke Multiplication Clip Cards
- Sufganiyot Division Clip Cards
- Hanukkah Addition Word Problems
- Hanukkah Subtraction Word Problems
- Hanukkah Multiplication Word Problems
- Hanukkah Division Word Problems
- Menorah Fraction Clip Cards
- Star of David Outlines
- Dreidel Outlines
- Menorah Outlines
- Lighting a Menorah Sequencing Activity
- Dreidel Symbol and Definition Match Up Cards with Game Directions
Working with Hanukkah Picture and Definition Match-up Cards
You can use the 3-part cards with or without the description cards. For toddlers, you can just use the images. If you’re using these at home, just use them in the way that works best for your child. You don’t need to be consistent throughout a class of students. So I don’t necessarily use the materials as I would teaching in a Montessori school.
For Zoey, I felt it would be most beneficial for her to start with the control card. I cut apart only the description/word card. Because Zoey mainly reads phonetically at this stage, I read the description cards and she matched the descriptions to the pictures. Then she matched each of the word cards.
It was a fun activity in that way, and Zoey learned a lot about Hanukkah.
During Hanukkah, we’ll do more reading and add activities with the dreidel. I also want to use the candles you’ll see below for the lighting a menorah sequencing activity and fraction work.
And I’m excited to add the Famous Jewish Historical Sites in the Holy Land Picture and Description Match Up Cards to our Godly Play activities focusing on the City of Jerusalem during Lent!
Montessori-Inspired Winter Holidays Around the World Printable Pack
The 28-page Montessori-inspired Winter Holidays Around the World includes:
- Christmas Figures Nomenclature Cards
- Christmas Figures Picture and Description Match Up Cards
- Christmas Desserts and Country Flag Match Up Activity
- Winter Solstice Nomenclature Cards
- Winter Solstice Picture and Description Cards
Montessori-Inspired Religious Christmas Printable Pack
The 50-page Montessori-Inspired Religious Christmas Printable Pack includes:
- People and Places Nomenclature Cards
- People and Places Picture and Description Match Up
- The Story of Christ’s Birth Nomenclature Cards
- The Story of Christ’s Birth Picture and Description Match Up
- Animal Nomenclature Cards
- Animal Picture and Description Match Up
- Handel’s Messiah Nomenclature Cards
- Handel’s Messiah Picture and Description Match Up
- The Story of Christ’s Birth Art Period Sort
- Symbols of Christmas Activity
These materials can be used for many years. Some even work well for upper elementary!
The Glorious Impossible Book with Handel’s Messiah Picture and Description Match-up Cards
I can’t wait to introduce Handel’s Messiah using the pack’s picture and description match-up cards! I’ll use short sections of this music to introduce only the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah. I’ll read the descriptions and have Zoey find the picture cards as we listen to the appropriate part of the music.
The Glorious Impossible [Illustrated with Frescoes from the Scrovegni Chapel by Giotto] by is a beautiful book that I still have from homeschooling and my work with Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Now it’s only available at a reasonable price as a used book.
Montessori-Inspired Christmas Themed Language Bundle
The 113-page Montessori-Inspired Christmas Themed Language Bundle includes:
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Control Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Tracing Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Writing Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Word Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Ending Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Short Vowel Sound Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Fill in the Blank Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Picture and Word Match Up
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Control Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Tracing Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Writing Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Word Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Ending Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Short Vowel Sound Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Fill in the Blank Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Picture and Word Match Up
- Advanced Language/Green Series Control Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Tracing Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Writing Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Beginner Word Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Advanced Word Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Ending Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Fill in the Blank Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Picture and Word Match Up
Each set of activities utilizes 12 words related to Christmas.
I haven’t prepared activities using this pack yet, but I will. You can read my review of the Montessori language materials from Every Star Is Different to get an idea of how they’re set up. I love that pink, blue, and green series activities are included in this pack!
Montessori-Inspired Nutcracker Printable Pack
Montessori-inspired Nutcracker Printable Pack includes:
- Nutcracker Ballet Character Nomenclature Cards
- Dancer and Gift match Up Cards
- Ballet Position Nomenclature Cards
- Ballet Vocabulary Nomenclature Cards
- Nut Nomenclature Cards
- Snowflake Addition Clip Cards
- Mother Ginger Multiplication Cards
- Nutcracker Division Cards
Montessori-Inspired Gingerbread Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Gingerbread Printable Pack includes:
- Gingerbread Cookie Making Sequence Activity
- Gingerbread Cookie Division Clip Cards
- Gingerbread House Candy Multiplication Clip Cards
- Gingerbread Cookie Addition Clip Cards
- Cookie Cutter Subtraction Clip Cards
- Ways to Use Ginger Nomenclature Cards
- Gingerbread Man Outlines
Montessori-Inspired Christmas Botany Printable Pack
The Montessori-Inspired Christmas Botany Printable Pack includes:
- Christmas Botany Nomenclature Cards
- Christmas Botany Picture and Description Match Up Cards
- Holly Outlines
- Poinsettia Outlines
- Mistletoe Outlines
- Christmas Tree Outlines
Montessori-Inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack
The 68-page Montessori-Inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack includes:
- The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa Nomenclature Cards
- The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa Picture and Description Match Up
- The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa Book Activity
- The Seven Symbols of Kwanzaa Nomenclature Cards
- Kwanzaa Color Patterns
- Important and Famous People in African and African American History Nomenclature Cards
- Important and Famous People in African and African American History Picture and Description Match up
- Clothing and Fabrics of Africa Picture and Description Card Match Up
- Art of Africa Nomenclature Cards
- Kwanzaa Candle Lighting Sequence Activity
- Kwanzaa Candle Lighting Black and White Outline
- Kwanzaa Flag Colored and Black and White Outlines with No Words
- Kwanzaa Flag Colored and Black and White Outlines with Words
Zoey and her sister, Sophia, are part black, which makes the Kwanzaa materials especially relevant.
Working with Kwanzaa Candle-Lighting Sequence, 7 Principles of Kwanzaa, and 7 Symbols of Kwanzaa
I ordered LED taper candles to place on the Kwanzaa Candle-Lighting Sequence Cards. We used them with the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa cards and the 7 symbols of Kwanzaa. I introduced the Kwanzaa flag with the material at the top right of the rug. Zoey loved this activity and happily went through each of the days, lighting the candles using a remote control.
This pack is great for Black History Month, too. I plan to use the Important and Famous People in African and African American History Picture and Description Match up Cards then. They’re very thorough and will be perfect for that observance!
Montessori-inspired Ramadan Printable Pack
The 51-page Montessori-Inspired Ramadan Printable Pack includes:
- Islam Nomenclature Cards
- Islam Picture and Description Nomenclature Cards
- Ramadan Fasting Sort Activity
- Phases of the Moon Nomenclature Cards
- Phases of the Moon Book Activity
I’m so excited to use these beautiful holiday materials throughout each year for many years!
Holidays Around the World Printable Packs Published in 2019
Montessori-inspired St. Nicholas Day Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired St. Nicholas Day Printable Pack:
- Introduces basic concepts involved in the celebration of St. Nicholas Day
- Discusses cultural differences regarding the holiday by country
- Emphasizes the number three in math activities
Montessori-inspired St. Nicholas Day Printable Pack Table of Contents
- Shoe Matching Activity
- St. Nicholas Day Nomenclature Cards
- St. Nicholas Day Description Cards
- St. Nicholas Day Word Strips in Print
- St. Nicholas Day Word Strips in Cursive
- St. Nicholas Day Around the World Country and Tradition Match Up
- St. Nicholas Day Graphing Activity
- Nut Addition Clip Cards
- Pepernoten Subtraction Clip Cards
- Gold Coin Skip Counting Clip Cards
- Gold Coin Skip Counting Cards
- Gold Coin Skip Counting Hundred Board Activity
Montessori Shelf with St Nicholas Day Materials and Children Just Like Me: Celebrations Book
We haven’t observed St. Nicholas Day before, but I thought this would be a perfect time to start … now that we have some great materials readily available! On the front left side of our shelf is a shoe matching activity that’s perfect for my toddler grandkids! Then I have the St. Nicholas Day Around the World Country and Tradition Matchup. I added our countries globe and the flags map of the world I have in our Montessori-Inspired World Travel Activity and Game Pack.
Next to the country and tradition matchup cards, I have St. Nicholas Day nomenclature and description cards from the St. Nicholas Day Printable Pack. On the right side of the shelf ( book on a wooden cookbook holder), is the awesome Children Just Like Me: Celebrations!
Montessori-inspired Las Posadas Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Los Posadas Printable Pack:
- Introduces children to the story behind Las Posadas
- Focuses on celebration components and symbols
- Emphasizes the number nine in math activities
Montessori-inspired Las Posadas Printable Pack Table of Contents
- Las Posadas Do-a-Dot Pages
- Door Matching Activity
- Sequence of Las Posadas Picture and Description Cards
- Las Posadas Food Nomenclature Cards
- Las Posadas Food Description Cards
- Las Posadas Item Nomenclature Cards
- Las Posadas Item Description Cards
- Las Posadas Writing Strips in Print
- Las Posadas Writing Strips in Cursive
- Story of Mary and Joseph Nomenclature Cards
- Story of Mary and Joseph Description Cards
- Poinsettia Number Cards
- Poinsettia Number Clip Cards
- Poinsettia Written Number Cards
- Poinsettia Written Number Clip Cards
- Piñata Addition Clip Cards
- Tamales Multiplication Clip Cards
- Tamales Skip Counting Cards
- Tamales Skip Counting by 9s Hundred Board Activity
- Nine Months of Pregnancy Nomenclature Cards
- Las Posadas Song in English and Spanish
- Mary, Joseph and Donkey Coloring Page
- 5×7 Mary, Joseph and Donkey Frameable Art Work
- Poinsettia Outlines
Montessori-inspired Hanukkah Printable Pack II
Montessori-Inspired Hanukkah Printable Pack II:
- Discusses similarities and differences between Hanukkah and Christmas
- Focuses on processes and preparations for the holiday
- Emphasizes the number eight in math activities
Montessori-inspired Hanukkah Printable Pack II Table of Contents
- Hanukkah Do-a-Dot Pages
- Hanukkah Size Sorting Activity
- Hanukkah Color Sorting Activity
- Hanukkah Preparation Activity with Control Strips
- Hanukkah and Christmas Similarities Match Up
- Hanukkah Vocabulary Word Strips in Print
- Hanukkah Vocabulary Word Strips in Cursive
- Hanukkah Verb Cards
- Grammar Sentence Building Strips (To be used with verb cards.)
- Gelt Skip Counting Cards
- Gelt Skip Counting Clip Cards
- Gelt Skip Counting Hundred Board Activity
Hanukkah and Christmas Similarities Matchup with Everyone Says Shalom Book
I love to focus on similarities more than differences. So I was excited to see that one of the materials in the Hanukkah Printable Pack 2 is a Hanukkah and Christmas Similarities Matchup. I’m featuring it on the shelf with the beautiful book Everybody Says Shalom. The book isn’t specifically about Hanukkah. It’s about a trip to Israel, although the message of peace is perfect for Hanukkah (or any time).
Montessori-inspired Christmas Language Bundle in Cursive
Montessori-Inspired Christmas Themed Language Bundle in Cursive:
- Includes beginning, intermediate and advanced Christmas themed language activities in cursive
- All pictures are true to life images
- Provides children with opportunities to practice cursive writing and reading skills
Montessori-inspired Cursive Christmas Language Bundle Table of Contents
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Control Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Tracing Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Writing Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Word Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Ending Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Short Vowel Sound Clip Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Fill in the Blank Cards
- Beginning Language/Pink Series Picture and Word Match Up
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Control Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Tracing Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Writing Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Word Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Ending Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Short Vowel Sound Clip Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Fill in the Blank Cards
- Intermediate Language/Blue Series Picture and Word Match Up
- Advanced Language/Green Series Control Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Tracing Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Writing Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Beginner Word Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Advanced Word Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Ending Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Fill in the Blank Cards
- Advanced Language/Green Series Picture and Word Match Up
Working with Cursive Christmas Language Materials
Here’s my 6-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, working with some of the cursive Christmas language materials. She’s a good reader, but we’re gradually adding cursive work to the print work she’s already comfortable with. I used the blue series cards from the pack for this work, but I really should have used the green series. I planned to use it as movable alphabet spelling work, which is easier using the the blue series.
But then I wanted to show the matching work, which is a reading activity. I was glad to see that Zoey is already becoming much more comfortable reading cursive! We still used our cursive tracing board and cursive movable alphabet to give extra practice with the cursive letters. These are wonderful, adaptable materials for working with cursive.
Montessori-inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack II
Montessori-Inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack II
- Highlights African American families today
- Provides cursive resources not provided in original Kwanzaa resource
- Emphasizes the number seven in math activities
Montessori-inspired Kwanzaa Printable Pack II Table of Contents
- Kwanzaa Do-a-Dot Page
- Kwanzaa Fruit & Vegetable Color Sort
- African American Family Counting Activity
- African American Family Counting Activity Alternative Cards
- The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa Book Activity in Cursive
- Ear of Corn Addition Clip Cards
- Kwanzaa Skip Counting by 7s Cards
- Kwanzaa Skip Counting by 7s Clip Cards
- Kwanzaa Skip Counting by 7s Hundred Board Activity
Kwanzaa Do-a-Dot Work, Color Matching, and Shades of Color Matching
I decided to add to our Kwanzaa activities with some color work. For my toddler grandkids, I put out the Kwanzaa fruit and vegetable color sort. I also added the Kwanzaa do-a-dot page from the Kwanzaa Printable Pack 2. For Zoey, I put out Montessori color box 3 so that she could look for the closest shade of color to match each color in the fruit and vegetable printable.
Montessori-inspired Three Kings Day Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Three Kings Day Printable Pack:
- Introduces multiple components of the story behind the holiday
- Provides many opportunities for language development.
- Inspired by music related to the theme
Montessori-inspired Three Kings Day Printable Pack Table of Contents
- Three Kings Day Do-a-Dot Pages
- Three Kings Day Nomenclature Cards
- Three Kings Day Description Cards
- Three Kings Day Dessert Nomenclature Cards
- Three Kings Day Syllable Counting Clip Cards
- Three Kings Day First Letter Sound Clip Cards
- Three Kings Day Writing Strips in Print
- Three Kings Day Writing Strips in Cursive
- “We Three Kings Of Orient Are” Picture and Verse Match Up
- “We Three Kings Of Orient Are” Rhyming Task Cards with Controls
- Crown Outlines
- Star Outlines
Montessori-inspired Deer Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Deer Printable Pack:
- Introduces children to the nine types of deer
- Includes multiple language activities related to verbs and nouns
- Provides children with true to life images and facts about one of their favorite Christmas characters.
Montessori-inspired Deer Printable Pack Table of Contents
- Deer themed Do-a-dot Pages
- Deer themed Letter Writing Control Cards with Arrows in Print
- Deer themed Letter Writing Control Cards with Arrows in Cursive
- Deer themed Blank Letter Writing Cards
- Deer themed Singular vs. Plural Noun Activity in Print
- Deer themed Singular vs. Plural Noun Activity in Cursive
- Deer themed Verb Cards
- Grammar Sentence Strips (To be used with deer themed verb cards,)
- Deer Patterns
- Deer Eating Apples Addition Clip Cards
- Deer Family Multiplication Clip Cards
- Types of Deer Nomenclature Cards
- Types of Deer Description Cards
- Deer themed Masculine, Feminine, and Diminutive Nouns Sorting Activity
You can also get free Spanish Christmas Nomenclature Cards from Every Star Is Different (subscriber freebie)!
Matching Objects to Spanish Christmas Nomenclature Cards
Here’s my daughter, Christina, working with her 21-month-old son, Caleb with the Spanish Christmas nomenclature cards. Caleb loves both matching activities and learning Spanish, so this was a fun activity for him!
These cards are perfect for a variety of ages. Even through elementary, they’re great as 3-part cards for reinforcing Spanish Christmas words.
Montessori Chinese New Year Printables for Preschool Through Elementary
Check out the Montessori-Inspired Chinese New Year Printable Pack from Every Star Is Different in my Montessori Chinese New Year Printables for Preschool Through Elementary post.
My Ramadan Mini Unit from Trillium Montessori
Seemi from Trillium Montessori has a lovely Ramadan Mini Unit.
Celebrate Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr Book with Ramadan and Eid Materials from the Ramadan Mini Unit
It was simple to put together an introduction to Ramadan and Eid with the National Geographic Holidays Around the World Celebrate Ramadan & Eid Al-Fitr and a booklet and 3-part cards from Seemi’s Ramadan Mini Unit.
The Ramadan Mini Unit includes:
1. Ramadan Non-Fiction Book: Includes 11 pages of Ramadan vocabulary. Features real photos and informational text.
2. Ramadan Mini Book: A black and white clipart version of the non-fiction book. This can be used by students to make their own booklets.
3. Ramadan 3-Part Cards: Features photos and vocabulary from the non-fiction book.
4. Ramadan Riddles: (Question Game) Continue developing Ramadan vocabulary and improve inference and comprehension skills with these picture and riddle cards.
5. Category Sorting: Sort photos of people (Muslims) and buildings (mosques) onto the sorting mats.
6. Is It Peaceful? Sort pictures of peace and non-peaceful behaviors. Use the cards to discuss strong emotions and role play alternative behaviors.
7. Phases of the Moon Chart: Learn about the phases of the moon
8. Phases of the Moon 3-Part Cards: Learn the vocabulary for the phases of the moon.
9. Ramadan Calendar Cards: Use as counting cards for a variety of counting activities, or use on your calendar. Also includes bank cards for tracking the phases of the moon.
10. Ramadan Counting Clip Cards: Count the pictures and clip the correct number.
11. Ramadan Size Sorting: Sort pictures by size.
12. Ramadan Cutting Strips & Lines: Multiple difficulty levels are provided. Cutting strips for beginners; cutting straight lines, wavy lines, zigzags, and corners, for more advanced users.
13. Matching Islamic Art and Calligraphy: Print two copies to make a visual matching activity. Or simply use as decor in your art area for inspiration.
14. Ramadan Shadow Matching: Match pictures to their silhouettes.
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