We’re in the middle of winter learning fun with our current winter unit. I was excited to add new Montessori winter printables for preschool through elementary from Every Star Is Different!
Disclosure: Disclosure: I’ve been given a copy of these materials to review. My opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links (at no cost to you).
Here are some amazing winter printables for preschool through elementary:
I’ve loved all the materials I’ve used from Every Star Is Different. We’re in love with these printables already, and we’ve just started to use them.
Montessori Shelf with Temperature, Glacier, and Arctic Activities
Here’s our shelf with the first activities we’re using from the bundle! In addition to books on glaciers and icebergs, one of my grandkids’ favorites … Maps … is a perfect addition to our work.
Montessori-inspired Temperature Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Temperature Printable Pack
- Includes multiple temperature activities in Fahrenheit and Celsius
- Introduces the concepts of climate change and global warming in ways children can understand
- Provides opportunities to practice addition and subtraction skills through temperature word problems
Working with Montessori Temperature Nomenclature and Description Cards with Science Activity
We started with temperature activities. First my 6-year-old granddaughter, Zoey, matched the Montessori temperature nomenclature and description cards. We discussed temperature a bit before starting our science activity. We explored temperature with boiling water. (That’s why Zoey is sitting with her hands in her lap, watching the temperature fall as the water temperature changed from boiling to getting cooler.) Zoey also took her body temperature with an under-tongue thermometer. And we explored the temperature of freezing water with ice cubes. Zoey thought this was lots of fun!
Renae from Every Star Is Different has a blog post with lots of Montessori temperature activities for kids using printables from the Montessori-inspired Temperature Printable Pack.
Montessori-inspired Arctic Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Arctic Printable Pack:
- Introduces vocabulary concepts specific to the Arctic
- Includes activities about the Indigenous People of the Arctic
- Provides opportunities to learn about temperature using line graphs in Fahrenheit and Celsius
Montessori Arctic Sentence Building Grammar Work with Figures from the Safari Ltd Arctic TOOB
The first 9 animal nomenclature cards in the pack are those that are included in the Safari Ltd. Arctic Toob. These nine animals are also used for the print and cursive word strips. The grammar environment is meant to be used with the Safari Ltd. Arctic Toob as well.
If you look at the photo of the shelf near the beginning of the post, you’ll see the wooden tray I used to display the Grammar Arctic Environment Word Strips and Arctic figures. It’s only 6.5 x 4 x 1″ (a tiny size that’s hard to find in a wooden tray – especially one that’s already finished).
Zoey loved the grammar environment work we did previously with the Powhattan Village figures and grammar strips. She hasn’t seen this activity yet, but I’m sure she’ll love it … and it’s so great for reinforcing reading and grammar skills!
Montessori-inspired Glaciology Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Glaciology Printable Pack
- Introduces the 12 types of glaciers through a variety of activities
- Includes a study of glaciers on every continent
- Provides opportunities to expand knowledge of glaciers to the study of land and water forms
Montessori Glacier and Iceberg Books with Glacier and Iceberg Sorting
The Montessori-inspired Glaciology Printable Pack has sooo many activities about glaciers! I’ve just started by preparing two activities. First, we’re introducing glaciers and icebergs with these Montessori-friendly books: Icebergs, Ice Caps, and Glaciers, Glaciers, and Danger – Icebergs. (The last two books are from when I homeschooled my own kids. They’re available at a reasonable price used.) After reading books, I like to read the description cards to reinforce the information (and often add some!). Then Zoey will sort the glacier and iceberg nomenclature cards.
The 3-part cards are laid out using a traditional AMI layout with the word matched to the picture and then checked with the control card. For younger children, you could use the AMS-style matching with control card first. Then the child matches the picture and word to that card.
Note: If you look at the photo of the shelf near the beginning of this post, you’ll see that I store the 3-part cards in this Montessori cards display box. I love it for displaying both 3-part cards and 4-part cards. It’s so attractive and doesn’t take up much space on my shelf.
Montessori Glacier Continent Sort
I used two of the printables from the Glaciology Printable Pack for this activity. In addition to printing out the Glacier Continent Sort Cards, I printed out the Continent Maps That Show Where Glaciers are Located. I printed them out 4 to a page so that they’d be a similar size to the other cards. I like adding the Montessori continents globe to the activity as well.
Montessori-inspired Weather Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Weather Printable Pack
- Provides several resources for teaching the water cycle that include true to life images
- Includes a study of winter weather including forms of precipitation
- Introduces the different types of tornadoes and how to identify them
I haven’t printed out activities from the Weather Printable Pack, but I look forward to using that into the spring (and for years to come, of course)!
Montessori-inspired Antarctica Printable Pack II
Montessori-Inspired Antarctica Printable Pack II
- Includes a geographical study of the continent
- Introduces vocabulary terms specific to Antarctica
- Provides opportunities to learn about the various species of whales, seals, and penguins specific to the region
Every Star Is Different has a post with Antarctica Activities for Kids using printables from Antarctica Printable Pack II.
I haven’t printed out any activities from the Antarctica Printable Pack II yet, either, although I know we’ll love it! We had lots of fun with activities from the original Antarctica Printable Pack I last year (see post below.) Now that pack has been expanded!
Montessori-Inspired Antarctica Printable Pack I (Published in 2019)
Includes fantastic Antarctica vehicle nomenclature cards
Encourages practice with negative numbers and graphs while learning about temperature
Provides many opportunities to learn about the biology of Antarctica including plants and animals
Using Antarctica Unit Printables for Grammar Work with Simple Antarctica Sensory Bin
We did a fun sensory and grammar activity using one of the printables from the Montessori-inspired Antarctica Unit Printable Pack Bundle. We used the grammar parts of speech symbols I had purchased int the fall along with the Grammar Invitation to Play and Variation Cards from the Bundle. I made a small version of our Antarctica sensory bin with water beads and “icebergs.” I always use distilled water and dehydrate/rehydrate the water beads to use them over and over again. So it’s easy for me to remake a sensory bin.
I used some animals from the Safari Ltd. Antarctica TOOB to make actions for Zoey to produce with the materials. For example, we had “small penguin jumps,” “small penguin swims,” “small penguin eats,” “cold ice melts,” “big whale jumps,” “big whale swims,” and “big whale eats.” Zoey had a lot of fun with this!
Working with Classifications of Antarctic Animals
Then we worked with classifications of Antarctic animals. I love that the Antarctic Bundle includes definition cards for each classification. The definition cards are perfect for elementary-age children. For younger children, they’re nice as headers and for the adult to have all the information immediately available! Zoey really enjoyed classifying the animals of Antarctica. She especially loved that the types of mammals and birds were so long that the cards went off the rug. Zoey had fun seeing which classification ended up with the most cards.
You’ll see printables for each continent in my Montessori Continents and Oceans Printables for Preschool Through Early Elementary Post.
My Reviews of Montessori Printables from Every Star Is Different
After the gallery has loaded, you can see all my posts with reviews of Every Star Is Different printables. Just click on an image to go to that post!
You can see all my reviews of Every Star Is Different Printables with slightly larger cover images here.
You can see all the products in the Every Star Is Different shop here.
Thanks for being so awesome!
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
The Montessori at Home! eBook and Montessori at Home! eBook and Materials Bundle are AMAZING resources! You can learn more about them here. Buy them in the Living Montessori Now shop.
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