I love Earth Day! Even more, I love Earth Day every day! I’m excited to let you know about some great printables for preschool through elementary that are perfect for Earth Day or any time of year!
Earth Day Bundle from Every Star Is Different
Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links (at no cost to you).
Every Star Is Different has Earth Day printable packs for preschool through elementary. I’ve been using some of the printables, and they’re awesome! The Earth Day printable packs are always available. When the Earth Day Bundle with all the Earth Day packs is available, you’ll find it here.
There are great science printables for preschool through elementary … perfect for Montessori classrooms and homeschools!
Montessori Shelf with Earth Day Books and Activities
Montessori-inspired Earth Day Printable Pack
The Montessori-inspired Earth Day Printable Pack
- Introduces children to multiple Earth Day concepts in simple ways utilizing pictures for every concept.
- Includes activities about fossil fuels, sustainability, ecosystems, pollution and more!
- Provides children with an understanding of why saving our planet is so important
Table of Contents:
▪ Earth Day Nomenclature Cards
▪ Earth Day Description Cards
▪ Earth Day Syllable Cards
▪ Earth Day First Letter Sound Cards
▪ Earth Day Writing Strips
▪ Earth Day Synonyms Match Up
▪ Recycling Bin, Garbage Can or Compost Pile Sort
▪ Natural Resources Nomenclature Cards
▪ Fossil Fuels Nomenclature Cards
▪ Fossil Fuels Description Cards
▪ Sustainable vs. Unsustainable Living Choices
▪ Ecosystems by Habitat Sorting Activity
▪ 8 Reasons Ecosystems Become Unstable Nomenclature Cards
▪ 8 Reasons Ecosystems Become Unstable Book Activity
▪ Landfill Construction Vehicles Do-a-Dot Pages
▪ Landfill Construction Vehicles Nomenclature Cards
▪ Hazardous Waste Nomenclature Cards
▪ Hazardous Waste Description Cards
▪ Hazardous Waste Sorting Cards
▪ Air, Land & Water Pollution Sort
What a Waste and Earth Day Books with Landfill Construction Vehicles Nomenclature Cards, Earth Day Letter Sound Cards, and Number of Syllable Cards
The Earth Day printables definitely aren’t just for Earth Day! These are just a small number of the printables. I’ve paired them with What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting Our Planet and Earth Day.
Working with Landfill Construction Vehicles Nomenclature Cards with The Construction Alphabet Book and What a Waste Book
My 3-year-old grandson, Caleb, is in love with construction vehicles and garbage trucks. So, what could be better than landfill construction vehicles! Caleb knows his phonetic sounds and can read some vehicle words already, so I showed him how to match the 3-part cards using an AMS-style layout. Toddlers and young preschoolers typically just match the picture cards, but we used the layout for older preschoolers who don’t read.
Since Caleb can read some vehicle words, he was able to match those labels. I showed him how to look at the words on the others to match the word labels to the control card words. We also compared the landfill construction vehicles with construction vehicles in The Construction Alphabet Book. The DK What a Waste book has lots of interesting information. For preschoolers, you can just adapt the words to fit your child’s level and interests.
Montessori-inspired Reducing Printable Pack
The Montessori-inspired Reducing Printable Pack
- Introduces children to many ways they can practice reducing waste in every day life.
- Provides resources for teaching about different types of energy use.
- Encourages children to feel empowered to make their own choices about ways to save the planet.
Table of Contents:
▪ First Letter Sound Do-a-Dot Pages
▪ Reducing Nomenclature Cards
▪ Reducing Syllable Clip Cards
▪ Reducing First Letter Sound Clip Cards
▪ Reducing Writing Strips
▪ Ways to Reduce Sorting Cards
▪ Creates Waste vs. Reduces Waste Personal Care Items
▪ Toys that Reduce Waste versus Toys that Make Waste
▪ Reducing Waste at Lunch Time Sorting Activity
▪ Alternative Energy Source Cards
▪ Layers of the Atmosphere Chart
S is for Save the Planet Book with Ways to Reduce Sorting Cards and Ways to Reuse Items Matchup Made into Booklets
I love the books in this series! It’s especially nice that each letter has information for different age levels! In S is for Save the Planet, there’s an eight-line poem for each letter with a tip for protecting the environment. For older kids, there are sidebars that give more detailed information.
On one easel, you’ll see the Ways to Reduce Sorting Cards made into a booklet. My grandkids love handmade booklets, so I often make printables into booklets. With a hole punch and binder rings, it’s super easy to do!
The other booklet is from a printable in the Montessori-Inspired Reusing Printable Pack. This was the first activity I printed out. Caleb loved it so much that he was very sad about leaving it at my house (even though I live across the street and he visits every day). Since my granddaughters would want to see it, too, I made an extra copy for Caleb to take home!
Montessori-inspired Recycling Printable Pack
Montessori-inspired Recycling Printable Pack
- Introduces some fun number and counting activities with a recycling theme.
- Grows with the child and their desire to understand different and more complicated aspects of recycling.
- Focuses on recycling paper, plastic, metal, and glass.
Table of Contents:
▪ First Letter Sounds Do-a-Dot Pages
▪ Recycling Nomenclature Cards
▪ Recycling Syllable Clip Cards
▪ Recycling First Letter Sound Clip Cards
▪ Recycling Writing Strips
▪ Glass, Plastic, Paper, & Metal Sorting Cards
▪ Counting Recyclables Number Nomenclature Cards
▪ Counting Recyclables Number Tracing Cards
▪ Counting Recyclables Number Clip Cards
▪ Colors of Glass Sorting Cards
▪ Recycling Bin vs. Garbage Can Sorting Cards
▪ Recyclable vs. Nonrecyclable Glass Sorting Cards
▪ Recyclable vs. Nonrecyclable Metal Sorting Cards
▪ Recyclable vs. Nonrecyclable Plastic Sorting Cards
▪ Recyclable vs. Nonrecyclable Paper Sorting Cards
▪ Types of Plastic Nomenclature & Description Cards
▪ Types of Plastic Sorting Cards
▪ The Life Cycle of Plastic Bottle Picture and Description Sequence Cards
▪ The Life Cycle of a Water Bottle Book
Recycle Book with Water Bottle Counting Cards and Miniature Bottles
I often use books by Gail Gibbons for our unit studies. Her Recycle! book goes perfectly with the Montessori-Inspired Recycling Printable Pack. This just shows one of the activities … Counting Recyclables Number Nomenclature Cards. I paired the water bottle counting cards with some miniature bottles I had from an earlier unit with free recycling printables and activities.
Montessori-inspired Reusing Printable Pack
The Montessori-inspired Reusing Printable Pack
- Focuses on multiple ways in which items can be reused.
- Includes language activities that focus on synonyms, antonyms, and prefixes centered around the word “reuse.”
- Introduces vocabulary like upcycle and so much more!
Table of Contents:
▪ Reusable vs. Nonreusable Match Up
▪ Ways to Reuse Items Match Up – This is the printable I made into a booklet. It has lots of fun and creative ideas!
▪ Synonyms of the Word “Reuse”
▪ Antonyms of the Word “Reuse”
▪ Word Families of the Word “Use”
▪ Synonyms of the Word “Upcycle”
▪ Antonyms of the Word “Upcycle”
▪ Word Families of the Word “Cycle”
▪ Reuse Vocabulary Nomenclature Cards
Montessori-inspired Composting Printable Pack
- Introduces the life cycle of nutrients and why earthworms and compost are so important to life.
- Includes all one would ever want to know about composting including the dos and don’ts as well as types.
- Provides and in depth study of earthworms
Table of Contents:
▪ C is for Compost Do-a-dot Pages
▪ Life Cycle of Nutrients Chart
▪ Life Cycle of Nutrients Nomenclature Cards
▪ Life Cycle of Nutrients Description Cards
▪ Types of Composting Picture and Description Cards
▪ Types of Soil Picture and Description Cards
▪ Is it a Earthworm? Sorting Cards
▪ Organisms that Live in the Soil Nomenclature Cards
▪ Compost Bin or Garbage Sorting Cards
▪ Parts of an Earthworm Activity
▪ Parts of an Earthworm Nomenclature Cards
▪ Anatomy of an Earthworm Activity
▪ Common Types of Earthworms Nomenclature Cards
▪ Common Types of Earthworms Description Cards
▪ Soil Layers Activity
▪ Earthworm Predators Nomenclature Cards
▪ pH Chart
▪ Grammar Compost Environment Word Strips
Montessori-inspired Pollination Printable Pack
Montessori-Inspired Pollination Printable Pack
- Includes types of bee nomenclature cards to help children identify which bees are which.
- Introduces children to multiple other animals who are pollinators from around the world, and the plants they pollinate.
- Provides an in depth parts of a flower chart for those who are ready to progress past the Montessori puzzle.
Table of Contents:
▪ P is for Pollination Do-a-Dot Pages
▪ P is for Pollination Writing Strips
▪ Animal Pollinators Nomenclature Cards
▪ Flower Pollination Nomenclature/Matching Cards
▪ Animal Pollinator Sorting Cards
▪ Parts of a Flower Diagram
Even though I haven’t shown the more advanced activities here, there are many, many of them … and many, many more for preschoolers, too! There are so many great printables that can be used for years and years!
More Earth Day Every Day Resources
- Free Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Printables and Activities for a Montessori-Inspired Earth Day Unit
- Free Recycling Printables and Montessori-Inspired Recycling Activities
- Free Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Do-a-Dot Printable (Montessori-Inspired Phonics Instant Download)
- Free 3-Part Recycle Cards
- Free Endangered Animal Songs and Educational Videos {Save the Animals}
- Free Endangered Animal Printables and Montessori-Inspired Endangered Animal Activities
- Montessori-Inspired Earth Day Activities
- Montessori-Inspired Activities for Earth Day Every Day
- More Montessori-Inspired Earth Day Activities
- Montessori-Inspired Lorax Activities
- Free Earth Day Printables and Montessori-Inspired Earth Day Activities
- Montessori-Inspired Arbor Day Activities
- Free Recycling Cutting Strips (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- Free Recycling Do-a-Dot Printable (Montessori-Inspired Instant Download)
- Free Conservation Songs for Home or School {Character Education Resources}
- Free Earth Day Songs and Rhymes for Circle Time
- Free Tree Printables and Montessori-Inspired Tree Activities
- Thank You for Planet Earth (or Thank You, Planet Earth) Mindfulness Cards and Booklet
- Kids’ Earth Day Every Day Pinterest Board
My Reviews of Montessori Printables from Every Star Is Different
After the gallery has loaded, you can see all my posts with reviews of Every Star Is Different printables. Just click on an image to go to that post!
You can see all my reviews of Every Star Is Different Printables with slightly larger cover images here.
You can see all the products in the Every Star Is Different shop here.
Happy Earth Day … Every Day! 🙂
Learn more about my eBook Montessori at Home or School: How to. Teach Grace and Courtesy!
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